CH 40 - Asatski Reunion

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Jeong Wu, scared out of his wits, quickly dropped his fancy attire onto his bed and scavenged for the sound. In the midst of this frightening situation, he ransacked his brain for all of the possibilities. For one, he knows he's not alone. 

Heck, one of their butlers left a few hours ago to take his leave for the day.

What on Earth could this be? A break in?

"Agh!" The mongrel let out, quite agitated. 


Jeong Wu approached the noise that came from Namjoon's bedroom. The door fell slightly ajar, leaving enough space for Jeong Wu to catch a glimpse of the perpetrator. 

With a hand on the knob, he pushed the door open and saw Namjoon... a crumbling mess, deteriorating as seconds passed, a literal home wrecker. His room looked about ready to go ablaze, explode like an action movie, and leave the house in ashes. 

The boy reached for the box of pebbles on his study and threw them at his walls in rage. The rocks themselves met with chipped shelves and glass-framed pictures. Like Namjoon's some misbehaved little toddler told to go into timeout, he just about revolted into complete and utter chaos.

Before Jeong Wu could really say or do anything, Namjoon defeatedly turned towards the doorway, dejected in his presence. "Is this what you fucking wanted?!" His eyes bloodshot and hands curled into threatening fists, hair disheveled, lips trembling in fear.

"Congratulations, you won... father of the fucking year goes to you! Say it, say 'I told you so'. Tell me how moronic I am for chasing a lie... tell me you knew."

All Jeong Wu can do is stare, all he can do is give his boy one long pitying look. With tears streaming down his face, Namjoon clasped his temple with a weak unsteady hand. "You knew where she was and you let me take the fall like a stupid son of a bitch."

Namjoon reached for a yellow paper on his nightstand and walked up to his father. With an empty gaze, he gave him the sheet. "This is..." Jeong Wu trailed.

"Sign it before I change my mind." Namjoon stood tall, narrowed these horrifying eyes filled with betrayal. "I'll quit Asatski. I'm ready to take on the companies and do as you say."

With that, Namjoon's door fell shut as he proceeded to lock himself in. He crouched down in agony and clutched onto a tattered pebble beside him. He observed the side with faded tire marks. These pebbles are as stone cold as the day he found them, ran all over by the car his mom had vanished in, untouched since his mother left him.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Jeong Wu stalked back into his bedroom. He sat on his bedside and eyed the letter of resignation he ever-so-firmly held onto. 

Goodbye Asatski and Hello Corporate... Jeong Wu grinned to himself.

***Time Skip***

"There's food in the fridge if you get hungry!" Mi Young rushed to get her second earring on.

Jungkook whined, "You call 15 day old Mac and Cheese food?"

His mother tittered at his joke then swatted him away. "Hey, when I was your age-"

"When you were my age, all you had to eat was rice and noodles everyday! I know the story..."

"What's wrong, you've been terribly moody these days?" Mi Young approached her son and peered up at Jungkook. Poor Mi Young had to crane her neck these days. Curse his long legs!

"I just have a bad feeling about you going out tonight," Jungkook explained then immediately grew quiet when his step-father literally stepped foot into the living room. 

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