CH 12 - Happy Days

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"Guys, I'm fine!" Jimin assured the three. He's been trying to convince Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi that he's okay enough to go to school with them. Besides, if Jimin had stayed in he'd be left all alone, bored out of his mind. This seemed discouraging to the boys, it's like no one was buying the fact that Jimin actually wanted  to go to school.

Jungkook eyed him with a raised brow, he chuckled dryly as he said, "Yeah and I've got a third eye."

Hoseok just snickered at the comment then continued to beam at his own, "Oh, so you won't mind passing around fliers with me today?" That put Jimin back into place as he quickly covered himself in Yoongi's covers.

"On second thought..." Jimin eyed the room trying to come up with a response. Hoseok couldn't help but grin at how quick Jimin's change in decision happened to be. He knew all too well of Jimin's tastes and dislikes.

Both Jungkook and Hoseok said their goodbyes to Jimin before walking out of their dorm. Yoongi stood near the front door but couldn't find it in himself to leave. He stayed there for a few more seconds until he mustered up the courage to say something about last night.

Yoongi slightly turned to the side, he gave his utmost honest opinion, "You shouldn't be too hard on yourself Jimin, we all have desires that we can't explain. So you don't have to feel obligated to do so, just follow your gut."

A small smile tugged at Jimin's lips as he toyed with his fingers in bashfulness. He never found himself being the kind of guy to open up so quick nor the one to fall face first for someone he didn't know.

This isn't love, it's called a small development of feelings, Jimin managed to convince himself otherwise.

"Thanks..." Jimin thanked him from Yoongi's bed.

In a swift second, Yoongi shut the door closed and locked it. Hoseok raked a hand over his hair, he confessed, "It doesn't feel right, leaving him behind and all."

"I'd rather keep him in there than to have him running around out here. Besides... he needs a break from you know who," Jungkook gave several points to make Hoseok understand a little more.

Hoseok asked, "Who?" Yoongi sighed while Jungkook gave him an exasperated look as if what he said wasn't so obvious. 

Yoongi retorted, "The Kims."

Hoseok's lips formed into an 'o' shape once he finally got it. When the three were about to enter the elevator they stopped dead in their tracks. Their nightmares were standing right in front of them and vice versa. Hoseok could've sworn he felt Jungkook flinch as he stood there behind him, he wasn't the only one who had noticed.

Taehyung leaned against the side of the elevator. Once he caught a glimpse of Jungkook he couldn't take his eyes off of him, it's like Jungkook really did have a third eye. Jin held a straight composure , he didn't want Yoongi to witness him letting his guard down. Namjoon could care less about the others, he didn't think much of their presence until he noticed that something was missing. His stomach ached at the thought of yesterday. Namjoon never would've thought he'd be this anxious in his life. 

Yoongi rushed into the elevator, he took his stance in front of Namjoon, knowing fully well of the fact that it's a pain in the ass to be standing in the same space as them... let alone sharing the same air. What else could he have done? Well, he could've waited for the next elevator to come up but he wouldn't dare to be late.

Jungkook tried his best to avoid Taehyung at all costs. He tried his best to take his place in front of Jin but Hoseok managed to beat him to it. 

Just great!  Jungkook rolled his eyes at how his bad luck managed to progress.

He stood there as still as a board once he'd been in front of Taehyung. Every few seconds he'd inch closer and closer to the controls on the side of the elevator doors. 

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