CH 18 - Moments And Memorabilia

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Who is Kim Namjoon, to me, as a person? Jimin questioned.

Upon entering his house, he trailed behind him like an ant, observing the area like the instigator that he is. No family pictures had been present, almost as if no one lived here in the first place. The walls, the floor, everything looked as though they'd been smothered in brown paint. The house itself seemed off, somewhat different yet ordinary. As if on cue, Namjoon's father ran into them. 

"Ah, you must be Namjoon's friend, Park Jimin! My son has talked a lot about you lately, I've been wondering when I was going to meet you. Come on in, I've prepared dinner just now," Mr. Kim seemed rather welcoming, nice, and gentle. It never occurred to Namjoon that his dad would be as fake as this. Well, when your business is crashing down you'd do anything to save it, right?

Jimin thanked God for the food, he'd been starving from all of those carbs he burned. Also, he couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Kim's words... Namjoon had been talking about him. The thought alone made Jimin's heart race fifty miles an hour and his mind went into complete orbit. His eyes fluttered shut once he caught a whiff of the food awaiting for him next door.

For some reason, it crushed Namjoon to think that Jimin was being told lies after lies. He never talked about him to his dad but he did think an awful lot of him. He could never tell anyone, let alone write his feelings down. They'll be found out sooner or later.

What's there to tell though? It's not like I like him, Namjoon's expression hardened upon entering the dining area.

"Wow, this food looks amazing!" Jimin marveled at the platters, fine dining, and set-up. 

Mr. Kim seemed rather pleased with his comment, "Oh, please... I was only expecting Namjoon so I didn't exactly try my best." 

That became the put down of the century. Jimin caught onto it then quickly took a seat. It's one thing to lie about cooking the food yourself but to also lie about prepping food for your own son goes beyond crossing the line. Not once has he ever made a full meal for him. 

Jimin sat across from Namjoon and vice versa, Mr. Kim sat at the end of the table. "So, tell me, are you going to take over Gamja someday? Namjoon will eventually take over my companies as soon as he graduates from Asatski. What are your plans after graduation?" 

Namjoon's mouth fell open due to his father's outstanding ways. Mr. Kim jumped into the matter quite quickly but it hadn't been obvious to Jimin because he yapped on and on. 

"Ah, yes, someday I will. After graduation, I'll be the successor of Gamja, I'll find some side hobbies and hopefully incorporate them into the business..." With the sudden realization of his rambling, he caught Namjoon's cold gaze and immediately felt insecure.

"I must be boring you with this kind of stuff, it really isn't that interesting." 

Mr. Kim slumped down into a disheartening state, "No, no, keep going. I don't really get to talk to my son about his aspirations so this is nice." Almost like it really affected Mr. Kim that much, he toyed with his food poking at it with a fork.

With one hand on the table and the other under it, Mr. Kim tightly held a recorder. He pressed play once Jimin opened his mouth to speak this time around. 

"After meshing my hobbies with the business, I'd like to do something bigger. I want to become the CEO of several gaming companies to come and I'd also like to take over yours someday, if that's okay with you." Jimin marveled at his future plans, it's like he didn't comprehend what he had uttered a moment ago. He didn't think what he said was shady or rather snarky. 

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