curiosity killed the cat

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His grey eyes staring right at me, one brow raised, in amusement or aware, I wasn't quite sure. His blush pink lips curved up slightly into a really small smirk, causing his dimple on his left cheek to pop out slightly. He had a really sharp jawline, that im pretty sure would end up giving me a papercut if i touched it, or should i say..


Pitch black hair falling ever so lightly down onto his face in the most careless manner possible until it ended up irritating him because he effortlessly ran a hand through it, tossing it back. And when he did, my gaze shifted down to his arms flexing without him even trying. Thick, muscled, veiny arms igniting a little fire within me I didn't think was alive in the first place.

His black suit clung perfectly to his clearly ripped body, judging on how right his suit had been on him. His broad shoulders shifting awkwardly as he stared at me with a hint of lust evident in his grey orbs, and i'd be lying if i said i didn't have a little of that feeling coursing within me as well-


"Who are you?" I questioned after a blew out a long breath of air i didnt know i had kept in this entire time.

"Cameron," he smiled, "Cameron Lockhart," he held out his hand out of his car window for me to shake. I eyed his hand with a raised brow and then looked back up at him, before i scoffed and continued walking to school.

But a loud honking noise kept me from doing so.

"WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?" I hissed with clear annoyance laced in my voice as i stopped dead in my tracks and stared at him.

He just smiled at me.

Like a pure idiot.

"Okay that's it, I'm walk-"

"What's your name?" his voice is husky, yet at the same time velvety in a way. Quite a turn on-




"Why do you care?" I asked sassily, placing my hand on my hip like they do in the movies, or at least I tried to.

"Who said i cared? What if im just curious?" He replied with a cold, serious expression now all of a sudden.

"Well you have to sort of care, if you wanted to know?"

"Nope. Just curious," His reply was short and curt as he eyed me, expecting me to immediatly give my name.

"Well, since you don't care, I'll leave your curiosity to get the best of you," i winked and walked again. I heard a grunt behind me and then the car started up again, and I watched him angrily speed past me.

I chuckled to myself and plugged in my earpiece again before making my way to school with a smug look on my face.

*time skip*


Finally. The end of first period, I've been dying with tiredness, exhaustion, hunger and boredom. I grabbed my backpack and was about to leave when my name was called up to the main desk where the teacher was seated and focusing on the papers filed out neatly infront of her old face. The wrinkles evident, and so was the blood red lipstick she wore today.

Her grey hair strands falling down onto her face as she used her finger to push her glasses further up as she studied the papers.

"Yes Ma'am?" I asked, stepping closer and effortlessly throwing my bag over one shoulder as I waited on her response.

"Alyssa sweetheart, you've slacked alot since the first term," she looked up at me, her blue orbs holding concern and worry.

"Oh, uhhh," I struggled to find the words, "Its just that ive been extremely busy with personal matters that I haven't been able to study as hard as a usually do," i lied through gritted teeth, and crossing my fingers behind my back hoping she would drop it and believe whatever I just said.

"Oh I'm so sorry deary," she stood up and engulfed me into a bone crushing hug, "But please, try and focus on your academic matters. I dont accommodate failures," she winked at me and hugged me again. I raised a brow and rolled my eyes, awkwardly patting her back in return.

"Alright, let me leave you to it then," she smiled and sat herself down in the desk again.

"Bye, Ma'am," i said and walked out of the door, more like ran. Not giving her another opportunity to hug me again as far as I'm concerned.

I made my way to next class, which was Physics. Oh how i just fucking hate it, and to top it off, Miss. Evergreen wasn't making my life any easier by fucking hating me for being my mothers daughter. Stupid bitch.

I walked into the classroom and took my seat situated riighhhtt at the back of the class, I slumped down into my seat and threw my bag down alongside me, waiting on the teacher.

But when principal Gilmor stepped in, I raised a brow and the entire class went dead silent at her arrival. She has this aura around her that would terrify anyone or make them shit their pants, but I've been the only one who ever stood their ground against her, and i always will.

"Good morning, students," she greeted and everyone except myself, replied to her greeting, "So Ms. Evergreen has unfortunately resigned due to personal problems at home," and the entire class basically cheered upon hearing this, "But dont worry, I managed to find a new physics teacher. His new here, and has mastered in Physics, English, Mathematics, and Bio. Class, please welcome-"

I expected to see a grey old hunchback man waltzing into the class, but the man that stepped in had caught me completely off guard.

"Professor Lockhart."


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