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He smiled, no look of surprise crossing his features as he flashed me a cheeky, wide grin. I looked confused, slightly tilting my head to the side to check if I wasn't dreaming right now.

"I figured," he replied as he made his lips into a thin line, staring at me intently, "Its what's been attracting me to you, I guess."


"The way your body easily responded to mine. Our first encounter you practically didnt know what to do-" I honestly didnt, "And whenever I looked at you, you looked away, your cheeks flushing that dark red I always loved so much," he smiled at me, "At first I always thought I was wrong, that I was probably overthinking, but you've just proved me right."

I didn't know what to do. I didnt even realize till now that I just had cock-blocked this whole situation. Nobody moved, as the room silently became awkward and tense, I looked away, not wanting to look into his mesmerizing gaze. But he didnt let me. He roughly grabbed me by my chin and lifted my face up to meet his, his eyes staring into me, and for the first time I actually saw true, real emotion swirling within them.

"Alyssa," he whispered against my lips, his body still pressed to mine, his face merely inches away from me, "Dont be ashamed, you should be proud. This is an achievement, not a shame, you're perfect."

I smiled inwardly, my cheeks heating up instantly, "Cameron, you said you thought you were wrong, which meant you originally figured I wasn't a virgin, did you think of me as a... as a w-"

"Whore?" He finished off, "No, no I didnt. Infact, the reason i couldnt believe you were one, was because of how perfect you are," he admitted, his breathing becoming heavier, "You're beautiful, and the way you carry yourself... its just, I guess I didnt believe that any other guys didnt get you."

I smiled up at him, pecking his lips, "I'm sorry."

His eyes darkened as he slowly massaged my ass, his large calloused hand gripping it possessivly, "Dont apologize. Ever."

He glanced to the side as a vibrating sound made it's way through our ears, distracting both of us. I frowned, it was his phone. Glancing at the caller ID, his eyes and body tensed, going rigid almost instantly. And then he looked at me, those grey eyes were now so close to being black and I honestly couldn't decipher what emotions were going through him right now. His lips in a hard, thin line as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry," he quickly spoke, and got off of me, his face now void of any emotion, as blank as they always had been before today, "But I got to go."

I frowned, expecting something like this to happen, the moment was too good anyway, "Its... it's okay."

He gave me a once over, a low, satisfying growl emanating from his throat and he closed his eyes briefly, inhaling before his eyes slowly started turning normal, back to their beautiful gray.

Since when do our eyes change colour?

I inwardly shrugged, knowing I was probably overthinking this again. Something told me that there was something not so normal about him, but I contemplated against asking. Maybe asking would just spark tension. He picked up his shirt that was lying carelessly in the corner of the room and slid it on, making me pout, but I understood. Most men dont find me attractive, and I'd be lying if I said I didnt think that Cameron was one of them.

Maybe his been looking for a way out of this the entire time.

I sighed, getting up from my position and going to get my clothes- my underwear most importantly. I wondered, now that his seen all of me, would he come back? Even if he knows that I'm a virgin? Casey had always reminded me that no guy wants a girl that doesn't have sexual experience. And the fact that I was too curvy, as she had put it, was a downgrade on my part. She used to tell me that guys were into slim girls, girls that didnt have to struggle with their zipper of their jeans- or even getting into them.

I frowned instantly. What if she was right this entire time. I got up and I heard the sound of my door closing, indicating that he had actually left. Any thought of him leaving being a dream crushed and brought me back to reality.

He has a life, I tried to remind myself. He couldn't possibly just stick to me like glue as I had wanted him to. He had a career, a life, a home, hobbies, probably a girlfriend too.

A girlfriend.

The thought making me cringe physically as I pulled my nose up. Slowly dressing myself again, I ran a frustrated hand through my messy hair and sighed. I made sure I looked decent enough to go back downstairs so that Dylan wouldn't suspect a thing, and made my way to him.

"You're so weird," a high pitched voice- the cute kind- sounded through the living room and I was surprised to see Rosetta still here. Dylan had his arm around her shoulders as they munched on snacks and watched the movie.

"You like it," he added making both of them laugh at his statement. She shook her head and focused her eyes back on the movie.

My brother was turning 16, I was turning 23, and yet his love life was going smoother than my own. He had a girl on his arm who hadn't bailed on him, and they were spending quality time together without having to go the lengths of sexual desire- I on the other hand have nada except for a almost-one-night-stand with my professor.

How fucking miserable.

I sighed, going into the kitchen to find something to munch on before heading back upstairs before Dylan spoke, stopping me in my tracks.

"I always told you he was a dick," he said, his tone hard and sort of filled with guilt, "He was no good for you."

My eyes wide and so was Rosettas, "Dylan, leave your sister alone, whatever she has decided was for her own satisfaction."

I smiled, nodding my head towards hers in acknowledgment as she smiled, "Its alright, fuck them all," I laughed trying to make light of the situation, "I wasn't going to cry over some shithole anyway."

Dylans eyes softened as they noticed that I was sort of lying. I wasn't going to cry, but that didnt mean i wasn't feeling anything.

"My mom will be here soon," Rosetta added, "So goodbye in advance just incase I dont see you Alyssa."

I smiled. I really liked this girl.

"Goodbye, Rosetta."

I walked upstairs and switched on my TV, munching on some Oreos and Lays scrolling through some channels before stopping to watch Tarzan.

I tried really hard to let go of my thoughts, to leave Cameron out of all them. I wasn't going to be a soft broken hearted girl just because he walked out on me, no.

This was the last time a guy was going to affect me like this.


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