my brother gets friendzoned

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* 1 week later*

I ran and ran, not looking back, just focused on my mission and my prey, hunting like a focused lion in the wild. Stealth and skill being my only options left, i searched all around me, making sure not make any noises, leaving no corner and trail unattended.

My eyes like shooting daggers as I concentrated, tiptoeing, not wanting to scare him off as I slowly creeped up behind him.

"GOT YOU!" I yelled opening the shower curtain, coming face to face with Dylan as he pouted, folding his arms across his chest like a toddler would do.

I laughed my ass off as his eyebrows scrunched together, "Dammit Lis, I never get to win."

I laughed again, "Dont blame me, blame your lame hiding spots," I laughed as he just rolled his eyes before chuckling lightly, pushing his now wild hair back and out of his eyes.

You know, sometimes I think this boy is already 18.

"Hey Lis, can I ask you a question?" He said, climbing out of the shower, trailing behind me as I made my way downstairs, switching on the television as Spongebob's laugh filled the entire house.

"Why do I feel like I need to be worried?" I laughed again, switching over the channel, surprised to see 'IT' playing.

"You dont, I think."

"SHIT!" I yelled, throwing the remote behind me without knowledge as IT began eating the little boys arm out of the drain. I closed my eyes and Dylan grabbed the remote, switching back over to Spongebob.

He rolled his eyes at me, "You know, you shouldn't watch stuff you know you'll be scared of."

"I... I wasn't scared."

"Hmmm, yeah. I believe you," he said with sarcasm lacing his entire voice, "So about that question..."


"You dont mind me bringing a girl over, right?" He asked as I raised my brows, "Well?" He grew impatient.

"I mean, yeah, sure... if I like her," I shrugged, raising my brows and pulling a funny face at his sour one.

"Damn," He sighed, running his hands over his tired and stressed face.

"Dylan, what's going on?"

"I like this girl, but I'm not sure if she likes me back, that's the problem. She always comes up to me and we speak, it's all good, till she says 'you're such a good friend Dylan'."

I burst out into fits of laughter as my stomach cramps begin settling in, holding it I couldn't stop laughing until I noticed his irritated look, "Wait you're serious?"

He rolled his eyes, making his way to his room, "Fuck you, Lis. I'm trying to get help and you're mocking me? Cool move, man."

My heart broke at his expression and I could now notice the seriousness laced in his voice and eyes, "Okay I'm sorry! Look, invite her over tomorrow, I'll cook something good, and you can speak to her more, maybe get the information you're looking for."

"This might work?"

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Cool," he shrugged, pulling out his phone and dialing in a number, before placing the phone to his ears and waiting impatiently.

I swear, he has the habits of an old man.

"Hey uhmmm-" he started and then he played with the back of his neck, at a loss for words, he looked towards me for help, and I waved my hand gently under my chin, mouthing the words "breath".

He breathed out before speaking, "I was wondering.... maybe you would-"

I raised a brow and he exhaled deeply, "If you'd want to... come over tomorrow, if you want to, that is."

I smiled. My smile holding proudness and adoration. Who knew my 'player' brother would actually start to develop feelings this soon. I expected it to be kind of, later, you know.

He smiled, "YES- I mean... yeah, yeah it's cool, I uhhhh, i guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

After a few more seconds, he finally put the phone back into his back pocket, his eyes gleaming with pride and relief, as he walked over to me, smiling from ear to ear settling his ass next to me on the sofa.

"Thanks," he whispered, "I owe you one."

"DURH!" I laughed, as we continued to watch Spongebob together. This felt... right. It felt amazing to finally be smiling again, and because of Dylan. Not going to lie, I do miss my dad, sometimes I'll even think about Katherin and he wellbeing, she sort of didnt have money before she met my dad, I wonder how shes holding up.

*time skip*

Yawning, I got out of bed, rubbing my sleepy and tired eyes with the back of my hands, trying to adjust to the sunlight shining into my room from the window. I mustered up the energy to carry my tired body to the washroom, showering and doing all the necessaties before brushing my teeth and finishing up.

Making my way downstairs as my flip flops made the clicking sound of me walking, I walked over to Dylan's room, waking him up for school too. We haven't been to school in a week, Dylan didnt want to go because he had 'take care of me' and obviously I didnt go because I was still recovering. Well, to be honest, I was fine the very next day, I just wasn't ready to face Cameron and embarrass myself any further, but today... today I was going to face my challenges and kick them in the balls.

He groaned, moving to his side, muttering a few incoherent words before he finally fluttered his eyes open, looking at me, and it was as if realization hit his face almost instantly and he smiled like an insane idiot from ear to ear.

"Today... is the day!" He yelled, jumping from his bed and hurriedly getting dressed before stopping dead in his tracks, "Wait. Shes only coming after school. WHAT DO I WEAR?! WHAT DO I DO?! God.. I'm so tense right now," he rubbed his temple with his thumb and forefinger.

I laughed, "Leave that to me. By the way, I never got her name."

He smiled proudly, "Rosetta."


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