pizza boy

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"Hey Babe," his horrifying voice echoed throughout my brain and through the entire house. That familiar, thick, and throaty voice that I had gotten quite used to forgetting about, was now standing at my doorstep, with pizza in his hand and a smile on his face. A smile that had meant nothing to me, yet at the same time it meant that he was up to something. Something that definitely wasn't good.

Dylan jumped up from his seat and he looked livid. His brown eyes crazy and wild as he stood in front of me and shoved me aside, his tall figure- taller than me- was standing chest to chest with the one person I thought I wouldn't see again after a long time and the fact that he was here, had my insides clenching with disbelief, my throat clogged up and my voice stolen from me, I wasn't able to comprehend what was happening.

"What do you want?" Dylan's acidic voice spat at him, his eyes darkened like I've never seen before and his fists clenched at his sides as the veins on his forearms started standing out.

"I'm just the pizza boy," Lucas laughed, a wicked smirk on his face that I was dying to carve out.

"Get the fuck away from my house," Dylan demanded.

"Oh okay I see," he dragged it out and then began laughing again, "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan," he said evilly just like they do in the movies and I bit my nails, "Weren't you just a gay little boy the last time I saw you? Well look!" He said with excitement in his tone, "The gay little boy is almost the same height as me."

"Fuck you," Dylan paused, "I'm not gay, and I dont have to explain myself to a dick like you. At least I know not to treat woman like they're some type of trash object, you better leave here, or else I-"

"You what? exactly?"

"I'll kill you," Dylan said, shoving Lucas at his chest but it seemed at though Lucas didn't even feel it.

"Funny," Lucas laughed, "But little gay boy, where's your sister now?"

"I'm right here," I said, coming from around the door to face him. My fists clenched and my heart beating like crazy.

"You ordered pizza?" Lucas asked with a smile.

"Stop playing games, Lucas. Why are you here?"

"I've missed you, Lis," he breathed out heavily, his demeanor changing within an instant and his fists tightened. His eyebrows ceased together in frustration and I might have just believed him.

"You dont deserve to call me by my nickname," I gritted out, "Go to hell," I spat before smashing the door in his face, but his foot had managed to come between it.

"Alyssa, here me out," he spoke softly, "Please, just listen."

"Why should I?"

"Because I need you to understand this," He paused, "I'm a changed man, prison changed me. It taught me the values of life and I- well I, I think you're one of them."

One eyebrow raised, my voice dropped down to sarcasm within an instant, "Oh really? Was Shakespeare in there with you?" I laughed, "Wait. How did you know we ordered pizza?"

"I may or may not have tracked your phone to see exactly what you do on it," he scratched the back of his neck innocently, but his conniving smirk had me doubting him.

"Lucas please, let this go-"

"I cant!" He screamed, "Dont you understand that I made a promise to you years ago? That I promised to always love you?! Well I do! And I always will!"

Dylan intervened, "Dude," he said, "Slowly hand the pizza over," he held his hands out in attempt to take it from him, "And we will pay you," he grabbed my purse, "And then you can be on your way."

"YOU THINK IM SOME FUCKING JOKE," He growled out at Dylan with a hard shove against the chest, "I-"

"Okay okay I see where this is going,"Dylan said again, not affected by his anger at all, "You want more money huh? A bigger tip? No problem, 10$ will buy you some chi-"

"STOP!" Lucas yelled.

"Okay fine," Dylan rolled his eyes, "But 20$ is my limit," he said taking out the cash in all seriousness.

What was even happening. I wanted to so badly laugh at the fact that Dylan was making light of this, full knowing what Lucas is capable of. Lucas' weakness was always the fact that he didnt like it when nobody took him serious, he wanted to make sure everyone heard his threats loud and clear, and when Dylan started inserting jokes, that's where he couldn't take it.

"Kid," he growled, dropping the pizza abruptly and fisting Dylans sweater, holding him up in the air as his feet dangled helplessly on the ground, "Insult me one more time."

"I wasn't insulting you," he shrugged, "Man, where has your head been all these years."

With that he threw Dylan across the room as his back hit the nearest wall and Dylan groaned out in pain, I shoved at Lucas' chest, "Stop it Dammit!"

"Alyssa, let's go away, like we promised years ago. Let's start somewhere," he said in all seriousness, stepping closer to me where he dipped his head in my neck and inhaled, the tip of his nose brushing my ear.

"I've already started. With someone who treats me better than you ever could," he gritted my teeth and motioned to shove him backward but he held my wrists tightly, "Let go of me!"

He pulled me into him and wrapped his large arms around me, his heart beating frantically and I inhaled. I didn't know what to do about this situation, I put up a fight but it was hopeless, Dylan had gotten up and lunged for Lucas when he was roughly punched square in the jaw that made him step backward and leave him alone. Lucas' beating heart had my arms flapping down to my side, I stopped fighting when I noticed how calm he had gotten, my head pressed against his hard, large chest and his head resting on mine as his breathing regulated, his arms engulfing me as his body visibly relaxed. I closed my eyes and breathed, I dont know why, but I felt helpless. I felt like no matter what I did, Lucas wouldn't give up.

I opened my eyes when I heard something light fall to the floor, Cameron was standing at the door, his mouth falling open as his eyes dilated and his body becoming limp. I looked to the ground to see the beautiful roses scattered on the floor at his feet. His eyes focused on me. Watching every move I made and that's when I realised.

"Get off!" I shoved Lucas back and he finally let go, but his features had softened slightly when he let me go.

Cameron's face stoic and cold, his hands turning into fists and his veins propped up on his arms as his white dress shirt was rolled up to his elbows. His eyes held so much anger, hurt, sadness... and I wouldn't blame him. If I had seen him with a girl in this position, I'd go batshit crazy.


"Dont," he growled, stepping away from me. His focus now shifting from me to Lucas's smiling face and then back to me. He shook his head and then turned around, walking back to his car and angrily sped off. My heart had never been thumping this hard before, my breaths uneven and my hands shaking. I ran outside and ran after his car, screaming his name as tears started rolling down my cheeks until I finally gave up and fell to my knees. His car from my sight.

I turned around to start walking back to the house, facing Lucas.

My features mimicking Camerons as I stared at Lucas cold and hard. The tears making their way down my strained cheeks.

"I just lost the one person who I had entirely given my heart to. I hope you're happy." I shoved past him.

He laughed, "Wait wait," he paused, "You're blaming me? You're the one who didnt deny me, you didn't even try putting up a fight. You embraced the hug, Alyssa. Admit it, it brought back memories," he smirked.

"Stick your imaginary love up your ass," and with that I shoved the door in his face, with regret and with my heart paining, and the worst part is that,

He wasn't wrong.


I'm sorry I suck at heartbreaks :( I know this wasn't as sad as it was supposed to be, but excuse me for now I'm still working on my emotions ;)

Hope you guys liked it.

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