dylan's girl

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"Hold my hand, I wont let you go, ever," I smiled and embraced her little cute fingers into my own and held her hand tightly. Holding my other arm out for her to take my other hand as well, she took it and I spun us around, her angelic laugh and goddess like smile causing little flusters in my stomach. These butterflies have to get them another home, jeez.

"Dylan," she laughed my name out into the clear blue skies with her head tilted backward and her beautiful teeth showing off their white pearls to me. Her rosy cheeks were even darker now than compared to her normal color. She was flustered beyond recognition and she looked beautiful in more ways than one.

"C'mon!" I yelled, breaking lose from the spin we were in and i started running, holding her hand, "Follow me you slow poke!" I laughed.

"Slow poke?" She questioned with a laugh, "Let's see how slow I am!" She said and let go of my hand, sprinting past me and laughing, looking back at my shocked face. I smirked, "Bring it on."

I paced after her, knowing I could easily outrun her I ran back a little slower with a somewhat sad face, "No way I'm letting you beat me!" I yelled, knowing full well I was going to let her beat me. I smiled at her happy state. I've never seen her more happier and joyful than she had been right now. With every surprise she's ever thrown at me before, this took the cake.

"Rosetta," I called her back and when she turned her head toward me I pulled her arm and stopped, pulling her into my embrace as my hands reached her waist and my eyes found them lost in hers. Her mouth opened slightly as she gasped taking in what was happening. Her open palms placed onto my chest as I held her tiny figure close to me.

She looked down, "Dylan I-"

"Dont say it," I stopped her. I wasn't certain that she had liked me back this whole time and truth be told I dont think she does. What if she only thought of me as her older brother? A bestfriend? No. I didn't want that. And I didnt want her saying it.

She looked taken aback, her eyes squinting as her chest rose and fell, "Dont say that, please," I pleaded.

"You don't want me telling you about how much I like you?" She asked, a small smile playing on her lips almost as if she knew what I was thinking, "Dylan, I've been wanting to ask you. Do you- do you want me to be your girlfriend?"

My eyes widened as the words fell from her lips and my mouth opened. My heart increasing speed with every second passing by, "I-" I was at a loss for words. She was asking me out? My cheeks tinted as I felt the blood rise within my body. My palms sweaty.

"Its okay to say no-"

"YES," I responded with too much eager in my voice that it made me nearly scream it. The biggest smile playing on my lips, "You beat me to it. I was supposed to be the one asking YOU," I laughed.

"I'm a feminist, I believe in whatever guys can do, we can do it too. We can even do it better. So asking you out is what I've been planning in my head this entire time," she smiled and my heart warmed in an instant like instant noodles.

"So you're my girl now huh?" I smiled, pulling her closer to me.

"Dylan's girl," she laughed, pecking my lips and placing her warm hand on the sides of my face to draw me closer to her warm body. Her cheeks heated up and she blushed and bit her lip after pulling them away from my own.

"That was nice," I smiled showing off my teeth.

"Hey canines," she laughed and I growled playfully.

Just when I was about to pull her in for a long nice warm hug, I felt the wetness flooding down her back and my eyes widened, realizing the sound that had gone off loudly in our ears. I pulled back, looking at her to see the blood dripping from her body as the man stood before us, holding his retriever steady. His face grim and cold. My breaths increased, my heartbeat was overworking and my soul felt like it had been taken out of my body itself.

Rosetta looked to me, her face going pale as she tried to speak, "L-Lucas," she said and fell down into my arms as my mouth parted, looking forward to see Lucas himself slowly backing away till he dissapeared, dropping his gun. I panicked. Holding her close to me and cradling her body, neverminding the blood seeping onto my clothes.

"Rosetta please-" I begged, my tears welling up at the brim of my eyes.

"Dylan, I-I'm your girl," she smiled. And that's when it blacked out. Everything dissapeared-

I got up with my forehead covered in sweat, my hair clinging onto it for support. My heart felt like it was going to break out of my ribcage and jump out of body, my legs and hands were trembling, goosebumps was on my skin and my breath was cut short. I sat up and tried processing everything slowly, ripping the sheets off of me for more breathing space.



Rosetta was, no. She isn't. She's fine, she's completely fine. What was I thinking? Where did that nightmare even come from?

Soon my door burst open and Alyssa came in, her  breathing frantic as she ran to me and hugged me, "Dylan you okay?" She asked as she observed my current state.

"Y-yeah, perfectly fine."

"You dont look fine. Plus you were screaming in your sleep and when I come to check you're drenched in sweat and tears. C'mon, talk to me-"

"I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, OKAY?" I yelled, getting up abruptly, "It was just a nightmare for fuck's sake," I walked to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and turning on the shower faucets. I didnt care if she was going to sit in my bed all day and wait for me to come out, all I wanted was some peace and quiet with cold water clearing my mind and relaxing my body as I tried remembering more of what happened.

Why Rosetta?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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