yes, sir

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His familiar grey eyes scanned the entire class, not a single hint of amusement, happiness or joy hidden in them as he looked at each individual in the room. The girls perving on him, as usual, and the guys glaring daggers at him, as usual, but he didnt seem to care.

His eyes finally landed on me, and they squinted slightly as a small smirk, barely noticeable made it's way to his handsome features. Now i can see his entire physique, and let me tell you, I've never seen anyone this hot before. His suit jacket was taken off and his sleeves were rolled up till his elbows, a gold watch on his left hand and his arms were veiny in an incredibly hot way.

He had this strong and dominate aura around him, that just made me want to hide back into my little shell and never come out again, but then again, when he gives me that sexy smirk, I literally just want to run at him and claw at his hard, toned chest.

"Good morning," He addressed everyone as the principal left, all the while never removing his piercing gaze from me. His voice is so different from this morning, icy, cold and husky.

"Good morning," Everyone except me greeted back, and he noticed. He squinted his eyes and walked to the empty desk, taking out a long list of names which I'm guessing is ours.

"Melissa Charles," He called out and she practically squeeled in her seat, batting her lashes at him and leaning forward so that her boobs were on display. I rolled my eyes and laid back in my seat after she said 'here'.

"Jay Margey," He called out again and Jay replied here, and so it went on until he came to me.

"Alyssa Pierce."

"Here," I replied and his head immediatly shot up in my direction, as he cocked his head slightly to the side as his lips curved up into a tiny smile.

He finished the rest of the list and went on to school work now, teaching us different methods of how to calculate electrodes and diodes and other boring stuff I had no interest in, but every now and then he would catch my eye and slightly smile or smirk, which made my insides clench and my core heated up.

Soon class was dismissed and I literally sprang out of my seat and grabbed my bag, wanting to run out of the class when my name was called, again.

"Ms. Pierce," his husky voice rang through my ears as he took his seat in his desk and eyed my intently.

"Uhhhh," I paused.

Oh shit. What now? Was he gonna give me detention for not greeting him this morning? Or extra homework for kind of not paying attention to the work-

Or he could just want to have a normal conversation with you.


I turned around slowly with a bored expression on my face that I faked. I was not bored by the least.

Intrigued, maybe.

He cocked a brow at my attitude and cleared his throat before staring at me the entire time. His long, index finger indicated me to come closer, to which I hesitantly took 3 steps towards my professor.

My hot professor-

Stop it.

"Yes?" I asked keeping my hands behind my back in all innocence waiting on his response. But what he said next caught me completely off guard.

"You're so sexy when you try to fake having no response to me, but we both know what's really going on here," he squinted his eyes as a wicked smirk made it's way to the corner of his mouth.

I tensed up immediately, my eyes wide as hell and my legs shaky and wobbly like never before.

Did he just?

Oh hell no.

My palms were sweating and so was my forehead, "W-what?"

When suddenly he burst out into fits of laughter, staring at me with a look I couldn't seem to decipher at all.

"It was a joke, Alyssa," he raised a brow before making his way towards me, getting up from behind his desk, to take careful, yet threatening steps towards me, making me automatically step backwards as a reflex.

His smirk disappeared, and so did any other trace of amusement. His entire demeanor changing to all seriousness, and anger- I think.

"Why wouldn't you tell me your name this morning?" He asked, trapping me against the wall, his front strong and confident against my weak and fragile one as sweat covered my forehead.

"I dont speak to strangers."

He smirked.

"Smart girl," he answered, looking deep into my eyes, trying to find something, "But we both know, I'm no stranger."

And with that he stepped backward, grabbed his suitcase, and looked at me once more, becoming official again, waving me off.

"See you tomorrow, Alyssa."


Short chapter, I know and I'm sorry, but I kind of had writers block at that moment and I couldn't seem to get more words.

The next chapter will be amazing.

Stay tuned and dont forget to vote, comment and follow.

Thank you.

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