the plan

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The drive was slow and silent, my radio wasn't on, my windows were rolled up and the only light sound coming from the car was the airconditioning. Our breathing was most definitely awkward, even up to our movements were.

But as usual, Dylan had managed to let some of the awkwardness slip away, "Hey Cam," he tugged my shoulder, "Can I play some music through your car?"


He wasted no time in getting it done, and soon, blasting from the speakers was Craig David's voice, as Rendezvous started playing. I had to admit, seeing a 16 year old boy play old school from his phone was something new, and different. I glanced over to Alyssa to see a small smile forming on her lips, as she mouthed the words of the song to herself. Dylan started singing along too, and he had quite the voice control.

To say I was impressed, was the least. I expected something from Nicki Minaj or Drake to start playing, but the boy's playlist kept surprising me.

"You like old songs?" I asked him, looking at him through my rearview mirror.

He smiled, "Its the best. The words are so meaningful, so passionate and inspiring, I dunno I guess I just always had a soft spot for old jams," he breathed out as the next song started playing.

~ time skip ~

We finally arrived at my house after about 2 or so hours and I got Alyssa's suitcase and Dylan got his own as we entered. Alyssa's priceless face when we arrived at the gate was rather astonishing. She couldn't fathom what was going on, or rather where she was.

I opened the black door and went inside, "You guys can check the place out after you've unpacked."

I doubt they even heard what I just said.

"What in the actual..." Dylan trailed off, looking around him, his eyes scanning the dark wooden flooring, to the high white ceiling that had my favorite chandelier hanging from it. He looked to his right to find the kitchen and hurriedly made his way to the fridge, opening the double doors to see what was inside, and once his face landed on the countless food items and pudding cups, his eyes grew even wider than what it had been.

"CAM HOW RICH ARE YOU?" He yelled from across the room, his face glowing with every new thing his eyes landed on.

I chuckled, "Not at all," I looked to my side hoping to see Alyssa's face brighten up as well, but when I couldn't see her my eyes squinted and slight worry overcame me, slight because I knew she couldn't have gone too far.

But what if she went upstairs? Without me? And saw the one place I forbid anyone about knowing about?


I screamed her name once but she didn't reply and I couldn't even hear her steps which meant---

"She's in the TV room," Dylan said, coming up behind me with a bag of chips he probably found in my cupboard. I sighed and walked over to the room where I found her comfortably relaxed in my leather armchair with a movie playing and popcorn in her hand that she had taken out of the machine.

I smiled.

"You know you still have to unpack," I reminded her and she nodded, without even looking my way. I raised a brow but then noticed how tired she looked, her body was flopped onto the chair and her eyelids were basically closed, but she tried her best to try and keep herself awake.

And then it hit me.

She wrote her last paper today.

And she was probably exhausted because I know Alyssa and she studied her ass off to get the good grades she does. It wouldn't surprise me if she didnt get any sleep at all. I slowly retracted, leaving her in the room till she was sound asleep so that I could carry her up to my room because if she had been awake there was no way in hell she would have let me carry her.

As I quietly closed the door, "Shes drained," Dylan said from behind me, making me literally jump off the ground. I breathed in slowly, before exhaling, "Why are you everywhere?" I asked, before making my way past him.

"Its a habit," he shrugged, I rolled my eyes and walked past him, getting Alyssa's suitcases and taking them upstairs, "When are we going to discuss the plan?" Dylan said behind me.

"ARE YOU FUCKING FOLLOWING ME?" I growled out at Dylan and he looked at me with a dumbfounded look on his features, his chips halfway empty as he continued munching on them.


"Dylan I-" I realised, "Wait what plan again?"

"The plan to get rid of Lucas, durh," he said including an eye roll.

"Oh," I said, I remember him mentioning to me something about a plan when he called me earlier today, but I wasn't really paying attention, the minute he had said 'Alyssa and I should be at your place till this blows over' and I guess I was just way too excited to have Alyssa here with me.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" I asked, suddenly feeling intrueged in whatever he was thinking. No doubt it would include some action.

"So," he began as his hands moved about getting excited, "Do you own any guns?"

My eyes widened, "I-I dont think it's a good idea for you to be handling a gun."

"Not me asshole," he said pointing to my chest, "You do realise Lucas is a jailbird, and he obviously will be ready for any attacks we try to launch at him, so we just someone to at least be prepared for it."


Even I wouldn't have thought this thing so thoroughly through.

"You didn't even tell me who exactly you guys are running from, and why you're running," I said with an arched brow, folding my arms across my chest.

"Lucas!" He yelled at me, frustration fuming from him.

The minute he had said I heard a door suddenly burst open as footsteps came running upstairs.

"Where is he?" Alyssa said with a worried expression, she panted hard and her eyes still seemed sleepy but she tried to pry them open as hard she could.

I really tried not to smile but how could she expect so much of me when she was being so cute, "His not here, you're safe."

"Yeah dummy," Dylan said, "I was just telling Cameron here about the plan."

"The plan?" She asked.

"Yes, the plan!" Dylan said, frustrated again, "Gosh what is up with you people!" He smacked his forehead and went back downstairs with a sigh.

I smiled as I wrapped my arm around Alyssa's waist roughly and pulled forward flush against me, her body colliding with my own, as I inhaled her scent, my face buried in the crook of her neck, "I've missed you."


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