get a mint

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It's been 4 days after Cameron and I almost slept together and might I add that I definitely need an award at how well I'm handling this. Quite surprisingly, I haven't even been mad at him or anyone else around me and it was scary at first, thinking that I'd have to face him everyday at college and that things might have gone awkward, but it didnt. Well not to me.

I never gave him chance to explain to me about why he had to leave, and if I was to be really honest about it; I didnt want to know. Whatever reason he had, I convinced myself that it had to be really important to him. I wasn't blatantly ignoring him either, just keeping my distance I'd say, and by the looks of it, he noticed and wasn't taking it all too well, but there was nothing he could do about it. My mom had warned me about liking a guy way too deep, and I wasn't going to allow myself to get hurt when I had ways to prevent it from happening in the first place.

I missed my mom, no shit, but I had learned to move on and accept things the way they were.

She died and there was and is nothing I can do about it now. She had stage 4 cancer and the doctors had already warned us that she might not make it, and she didn't. Not going to lie, we all obviously took it hard, but my dad...

He hasn't been the same ever since.

I knew it'll impact him hard, change him in some way even, but he changed completely. He wasn't the man Dylan and I grew up to love unconditionally, no.

He started having symptoms of depression, then he would get paranoid of us all the time. After that, he just drifted away from us. He started investing in a company, and after a while, even ending up buying it just to occupy himself with something other than thinking of his deceased wife. He would go to work before sunrise, and come back home just before midnight, and when he did come home, all we'd get was a "hey" or a "hows school?" And then he'll be off again. I dont think his love for us changed, but the man he was before was completely gone. He used to be loving, caring, supportive. He would help Dylan with his school work, help me graduate high school, and even go to cook for us when mom was in work. When she used to come home, the house was always sparkly clean, the food would be done, we would be clean and in bed, fed. Every two minutes he would shower us, including mom, with his unconditional love and affection, but the minute she died... he died.

Even after getting a company, the pain was still just too much, so he thought re-marrying would make the situation better.

It did, sort of to him at least.

It wasn't like he spent much time with Katherin in the first place, just that he would shower her with money so that she wouldnt leave, give her affection, but she was always mostly interested in his money. And I had a feeling he knew, but he didnt care, as long as he had the attention of another woman, he was content. Katherin used to bring home various men whilst dad was in work, telling us that they were her friends, and those same friends would make her moan their names upstairs in my dad's room.

I wasn't dumb, and neither was Dylan, but we hadn't mentioned anything to dad because we were too afraid it'll hurt him more than he was already hurting.

Dad recently started a job overseas, and he phoned me once to ask how we were and to tell us about his job so far, but that was it. I wasn't sure when he would be back, but it was okay as long as he was happy where he was. I also hadn't told him about Katherin yet, and the very thought made me cringe.

"HEY!" Genevieve yelled in my face snapping me out of my thoughts almost instantly and I blinked up at her, dumbfounded by her entire existence.

Arching a brow at her, "What?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair and continued eating my salad like she wasn't even here. I didnt need this shit right now. The entire cafeteria was now sharing at Genevieve and me, some "wooing" and others whistling, hoping to see a fight.

"You're sitting at our table," She hissed at me, her breath fanning my face as she squinted her eyes and slammed her lunch tray onto my table catching everyone immediate attention.

"If you weren't too busy whoring around with every guy you see on campus, you might have actually made it in time to catch the table empty. Otherwise, goodluck finding another table," I winked at her and smirked, "Oh and, do me a favour, ask the cafeteria lady if they got mints in stock. You need one," I blew my hand infront of my nose as if I had just smelt a dead rat and pulled my face.

Most of the people here started laughing at her and others were gasping and making other sounds that just seemed to put her even more off that she already was. I huffed, in a normal moment, I would have simply ignored her, but today just wasn't my day.

"BITCH," she spat, placing her palms dramatically onto her boobs like she had a heart attack two minutes ago, "I know you didnt just say what I think you d-"

"Ugh jeez, no really, guys actually kiss you?" I paused with a scrunched up nose, "With that breath? That mouth?" And the crowd burst into fits of laughter once more.

"At least I have been kissed, unlike you, you virgin bitch," she laughed.

I smirked, "Hmp," I lifted my head and stood up from my seat, standing face to face with her, "And you'd know how to kiss, right? With all that experience? Especially when it comes to cocks, I always wondered, do they taste as sour as your breath though?" I asked.

Eveyone "wooh'd" and cheered me on.

She widened her eyes and moved uncomfortably on her feet, "you... y-you," she started but tears filled her eyes the minute she realised she was the centre of attention, but not in a good way.

I smiled, "Be careful who you start shit with, hey? Not everyone is willing to lick your ass," I tapped her nose, grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria.

I heard her cry and I smiled to myself, wow.

I never thought Genevieve would actually make me smile oneday.


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