creating memories

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"Uhm yes," I paused, "Pepperoni with a thick crust and extra cheese," I ordered our dinner for tonight and the lady taking down my words wasn't all too kind for someone who was working in the HR department. I waited impatiently, my watch glistening on my arm as if rubbing it in that it was late and I was only ordering dinner now. As if I didnt feel bad enough.

Dylan was propped up on the couch, his leg swung over the back and his arm under his head for support with the remote playing between his fingers. He honestly looked bored beyond compare.

"Okay, thank you, oh and next time, can I please speak to someone else?" I asked and she was about to make some snarky comment but I had already managed to cut the line, the smirk playing on my lips evident and the dance in my step visible although I partly looked like someone out of a troll movie.

"Are you always going to insult people for the rest of your life?" Dylan sighed, a smile on his face but the concern visible, "Its bad enough you have so little friends," and with the last comment, he rolled his big head backward and let out a throaty laugh that had his eyes rolling and I internally smiled.

"You're really not that funny," I said with a raised brow, my middle finger making it's way up to be showed into his little pretty boy face. I jumped over the couch and landed with my butt on the arms, but I didnt care, I made myself comfortable and waited on our dinner, impatiently, that is.

"So how are you and Cameron? I haven't heard or seen him in a while now that I think about it," he ran a finger through his non existent beard.

I frowned.

This wasn't what I wanted to talk about at the moment. I already felt shitty that it had been my fault that he left that day. I haven't seen him or heard of him since and I feel like I deserve all the hatred his giving me, definitely. I pushed him away. Like I do with every single person that comes into my life and is only there to care for me and protect me, love me even. It's the bad habit that I have. Sometimes I don't even do it intentionally, but I just always manage to push them away and out of my life. I dont blame Cameron for leaving, honestly, it may have even been the best decision he could have made. Sparing his brilliant and perfect life from my troubles and issues, spending his millions and his love and affection with some other girl who probably deserves happiness more than I do.

I sighed, "Look, this night was supposed to be about me and you, right? So stop making this about me," I hit him on his arm and he rolled his eyes.

"Firstly, this is about me and you. You opening up to me and me listening and at least trying to help you. Secondly, your punches dont hurt."

I groaned, I hated that he was getting older and understanding me much better now. He could relate to things I said, empathize and sympathize with me, make me feel happier, and even make fun of me but it's all so much... different now. His been more affectionate than his ever been in his entire lifetime, to be honest.

"Fine, we went out for coffee, I saw Lucas there and managed to obviously become scared as crap, I got agitated at Cameron for pushing on the subject and he managed to leave," I shrugged, trying to brush it off and pretend as if nothing happened, but honestly, alot happened and it affected me more than I can express.

"You really suck at story telling," Dylan ate some popcorn, "Oh, and love too," he laughed, "Cant forget about that omg."

"Says the one who- till today- hasn't spoken to his girlfriend," I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him, allowing his humongous head to rest on my lap while I played with his somewhat curly hair.

He grunted, "Stop it."

"Stop what?" I acted innocent.

"Stop saying she's my girlfriend, she really isn't, okay?" He began to get agitated and I could hear it in his tone of voice. The way he had gotten upset about Rosetta had me wondering, had they fought? What happened? Was she okay?

It kind of also made me miss Cam.

"I hope you're not playing with her, Dylan, we both know she wont be able to handle it. Admit it. You're catching feelings," I playfully toyed as I tugged on his hair to which he forcefully removed my hand from his head.

Well okay.

"I'm not," he said curtly. To be very honest, Dylan reminded me of those men that were all bold and quiet. The ones only comfortable with their family and with the rest they're just rude and buff, not speaking unless spoken to, and the ones that also tend to solve problems with their fists. Dylan really needed someone to talk to and I feared he felt that he was alone in this world. It was bad enough when I felt like that, I wont allow my baby brother to go through it as well.

He will end up barking up the wrong tree and then getting his ass kicked or even worse, he'll just be a closed book till his old and hunched, who knows, he might just kill someone before then.

"Dylan.." I trailed off.


"Listen to me," I started, "You're not alone, okay? I'm here for you and I promise you can talk to me whenever you feel it."

"Its not that I dont trust you, its just that I feel like you've got alot on your plate at the moment, and if I tell you what's going on with me... I'll just add to your stress, then you'll have a heart attack, a stroke, a fever-"


"-an anxiety attack, an asthma attack and-"

"Shut up," I laughed playfully messing up his hair, "I'm strong, and plus you're my only family. We have eachother only, and always," I smiled and he hugged me tightly.

He sighed, "But y'know, you should call Cam. His a really cool guy, Lis. Dont mess this up. Not everyone is Lucas, sis."

I blew out a wave of air, "I know," Why did he have to be so mature? He understood me and my problems more than I myself did and honestly I didnt have words to thank him, to even merely show my appreciation towards him.

"16 has me wise," he winked and with a smirk and I laughed at his goofiness.

"It also has you more cockier than ever," I huffed, "And guess wh-"

Ding, Ding.

The doorbell had cut me off and Dylans eyes sparkled up, the images of pizza basically floating around his head. My stomach growled and I knew it was thinking what I was.

Pizza's here.

I got up and basically rushed to the door. My oversized sweater covering the shorts I was wearing and had managed to get stuck in the table's edge. I freed myself and making my way to the door, my bun on top of my head starting coming lose but I didn't care. I was up for the food.

I opened the door and I visibly swallowed. My breathing becoming ragged and shortened as I searched for air around me. My palms clammy and so was my temple that had my fringe sticking to it like it a bucket of water was thrown onto my head.

"Hey babe."


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