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"So the banner goes here... the tablecloth should be a bit to the side- no! That doesn't go there!- Can you guys just- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING?"

I was losing with these slow teenagers. Some of Dylans best buddies came over early to help with the decorations and even Rosetta was my right hand girl at the moment, but they just did everything so wrong it was beginning to frustrate me. I didnt want to be rude and arrogant regarding my decorations, but I wanted things to go smoothly and perfect as ever. Dylan was my only brother and honestly seeing and watching him turn sixteen was not as fantastic to me as it was to other people. Him turning sixteen meant he was growing, becoming older, more mature, more of a man, and I didnt want to see my little brother go. I didn't want him to leave me, although I knew deep down he would never.

This birthday bash had to be perfect, it was his sweet sixteen.


"WHAT?" I snapped, turning my gaze to Kyle, spinning on my heel to face him. Remember Kyle? One of my friends in college, and also the douche that thought of me as his sister that was now screaming in face and looking like a fucking gargoyle in the process.

"Wow, geez, excuse me for trying to help," he rolled his eyes and called for Rina to come over and talk to me instead.

"KYLE IM SORRY," I yelled out and he turned out and winked at me with a smile indicating it was all good. I sighed, running my open palm down my face.

"Lis? What's up?" Rina came over, with Anastasia and Floyd hot on her tails. I invited them over not because of the party, but because I figured I'd definitely need help with arrangements and decorations, and honestly they were a huge help right now, and they didnt need me to bite their heads off for it.

"Sorry I- its alot of pressure bro, and I didnt mean to snap at Kyle I just-" I sighed, "Heres so much going on, and so many things have to be perfect, he was always there for me and its time I made him enjoy at least one day of his life-"

"Lis," she placed her hands on my tense shoulder, Floyed coming behind me and massaging my scalp- which might seem weird in general- but it really made me more calm and relaxed, "This is perfect. The fact that you're stressing about having everything done right means you really care and if he doesnt see that after today, no offense, but his a dick."

We all shared a laugh and Anastasia appeard up next to me and placed her arm around me, nodding to me that she's here, and always will be.

"I got you," she whispered, making me smile to myself more than others.

"I really have the most amazing douchebag friends ever," I hugged them all as we shared a laugh, Kyle coming out of nowhere and joining in.

This, this was my family.

"Excuse me, am I interrupting something?" Rosetta came in with a backpack attached to her back with the hugest smiles in the world, her rosy cheeks tainted even darker when she saw all the company in the house.

"Oh hey," I greeted her and introduced her to everyone, who greeted back with waves and other gestures.

"Guys this is Rosetta, Dylan's girlfriend-"

"NO!" She suddenly raised her voice as her eyes widened and her cheeks grew extremely red as she began to hide her face, "H-his not my boyfriend."

We all eyed her suspiciously, especially me, because knowing Dylan, he didn't care the circumstance, he would have made his move long ago already.

"Okay cool," I said with creased eyebrows and we all went back to work. Huge helium balloons up in the sky as their multicolored strings dangled down into our faces, a sweet sixteen banner against the wall, a number 16 balloon with Dylans name on next to it also plastered on the wall showcased itself very proudly. A buffet table situated on the opposite wall, filled with various types of foods, including McDonald's burgers and fries, cakes of all sorts and flavors, and another table next to it filled with all the gifts guys and girls had brought for him.

One by one his friends started showing up and each of them greeting me, getting themselves comfortable in the house and nibbling on treats that were on every table and display possible.

Dylans brand new iPhone 8 and Macbook along with some headphones in his gift bag that was in my room, kept locked in just incase someone tried being funny tonight. That was my gift to him, since he had a very crappy iPhone 4 that was cracked behind its limits already, how the phone managed to stay awake? Only God knows. And I thought he would need a laptop sooner or later once his academics start becoming serious.

I sat down, enjoying the smiles of everyone around me, but my dad came across my mind. Was he even planning on showing up for Dylan's birthday? Was he planning on ever showing up? He never answered my calls anymore, never replied to my texts and I always had an excuse because I was denial, but now? I dont know anymore. Could he be this swamped with work that he would put his only son on the 'nevermind' list? That he would actually not show up because of some work he had to catch up on. I know he works for us and he needs to keep his mind is check incase he goes nuts again thinking about my mother all the time, but that shouldn't mean he should actually forget about his own damn kids.

Stepping outside for some fresh air, I fished my phone out of my back jean pocket and dialed his number. Picking up on the third ring, he answered.

"Alyssa? Everything okay?" He asked and I could practically hear the stress and tension in his voice. He was really trying to hold everything together.

"Dad..." I trailed off feeling my voice breaking, "Its so good to hear your voice."

A sigh came from the other side, "Sweety I-"

"I know I know, its work. But no, everything's NOT okay, dad. Its Dylan's sixteenth birthday today-"

"What?" A gasp came, "My son is... his sixteen already?"

"Yeah, you would know that if you started putting him first. Putting us first," I sighed, "I wanted you to come today, to at least show your face, after everything that happened lately I... I dont know anymore, dad. We need you."

"Is katherin there?"


"Why?" A bored tone came through and I know he couldn't actually care less whether she was there or not.

"Dad, she was using you, for your money. She didnt care about you, or us. She cheated-"

"Honey I know," he said.

"You- what?"

"I know, the only reason I allowed her to stay there is because I thought she would take care of you. To be there for you-"

"But she wasn't. And you can't make another woman fill her place, dad. To even fill YOUR place."

"Honey please-"

"Just... stop. Its okay, we understand. Dylan is mature enough to know what's going on, so it's all good. I just want to know if you'll be coming to his party?" I asked, changing subject or else I'd be bursting into tears.

"I'm so sorry honey, but I can't." I immediately put the phone off, not giving him time to explain. I got the answer I wanted, and it was okay.

I walked back into the house and took my seat on the couch again, Floyd, Kyle, Rina, and Anastasia flopped down next to me and sighed.

"Damn oh my fucking God that was a task beyond explaining," Floyd and his dramatic ass said suddenly, making everyone laugh.

"Well, it was worth it," Kyle said, "We're doing this for you, Alyssa."

He looked at me and smiled sympathetically, knowing I was going through something and suddenly I felt the need to look at the door.

"Hi," he said, making his way inside with a smirk plastered on his face knowing full well what that smirk did to my insides.

I smiled, "Hey."

All my friends around me gasped and looked at me wide eyed, their faces going pale and shock filled all of their features. Shit. For a moment I forgot that what me and Cameron had was kind of... illegal. They didn't know. All they knew was that he was our professor.

"Mr. Lockhart?!"


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