private beach

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"And by anything I dont mean anything sexual," I laughed as the warm wind slowly yet vibrantly made its way through the locks of my hair as I closed my eyes and laid backward in my seat. Cameron had lowered the roof of his car and we were now cruising along the road in a roofless car that had everybody gawking at us.

Although if I was being honest I think they were gawking at Cameron because it had been mostly ladies that were driving past us and they looked at him constantly. The way his jaw clenched when he was focused on the road, his arm stretched out as his hand on the steering wheel with his hair moving swiftly in the wind; this dude really looked like someone out of a fantasy. His white sweater clung to his body making my blood reach a bit higher than it had been before and the way he looked when he smiled was like a thousand angles were singing my prayers.

What the fuck is happening to me.

"Awww now where's the fun in that?" He playfully mocked as his left hand found my thigh and he began massaging it slowly, his hand slowly moving upward as he did so.

"Cameron, you're driving. Stop."

"I could always pull over-"

"NO," I interrupted his sentence and he began chuckling as his hand stayed put on my thigh.

"So, are you going to tell me now?" I basically screamed because the wind in my ears wasn't doing any good.


"Shit," I mumbled to myself and he looked over at me as the smallest of smiles filled his face and I couldnt help the grin that started it's way up mine as well.

The sky was darkening slowly as the sun made its way back down, the starts slowly yet proudly shining and showing off their beauty in the middle of the sky made me smile. The prominent crescent moon stood there, bawling out his gorgeousness at me as I felt the car slow down. Cameron drove over a secluded area and the car began bouncing slowly as we made our way over sand and grass and I couldn't help but allow my eyes to wonder around my surroundings.

To the distance was a beautiful sea shore that shone under the moons luminent essence and its reflection waving in the waters. The white beach sand looked so fluffy and soft that it made me want to roll over in it.

"Cameron?" I questioned once I noticed where we were.

"Yeah babe?" He had the most cunning smile on his face that showed me he was up to no good, yet at the same time it seemed to light up my insides with joy.

"Why are we here?"

"We're going skinny dipping."

"I hope you're fucking joking," my expression changed from happiness to anger within a minute and Cameron's grin wasn't making things better.

The car stopped and he switched the engine off and got out, before coming over to my side of the car and opening up my door for me.


"You might want to leave your shoes here," he added. I looked down at the ground and I noticed I was standing on sand. I removed my shoes and felt the softness of the white sand beneath my toes as a smile made it's way to my face.

Cameron went around the back of the car to collect a few things as he retreated a backpack and a basket. We made our way toward the beginning of the beach as Cameron opened the bag and took out a plush blanket, some fairy lights, edibles and pillows. Laying things out neatly onto the sand, we sat down and I listened to the sound of the waves cascading over eachother beautifully under the moon's light.

This was perfect.

"I hired out the beach, just for the two of us," he said suddenly as he looked over to me. He was leaning back as his weight rested on his elbow with his handsome face facing me.

"You didnt need to," I laughed.

"No you deserve it-"

"I meant, you didn't need to because its night time. What idiots come to the beach, at night time. Its probably just going to be us either way," I kind of laughed to myself. But then the look of disappointment on his face put my mood off.


Did I offend him?


"No no, it's cool. Let's eat," he put on a fake smile and his nostrils flared before he internally calmed himself down and he removed some sandwiches from the basket, along with strawberries, some champagne, and other expensive yet so delicious treats.

"I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway," I noticed the way he looked at me and how he had gone out of his way just to gather all these things, and not to even mention how expensive the stuff looked. He drove almost for an hour just to come here, and the trouble he went through and here I was, calling us idiots for coming out to the beach at night.

"Its fine."

"No, it's not. Thank you."

"For?" I placed my hand atop of his pants as I slowly moved it upward, my eyes following his as they slowly turned a darker shade.

"Everything," I leaned in and placed my lips onto his in a slow, meaningful kill, "For all this trouble, for making me feel special, making me feel good about myself and wanted, I've never felt like this in a long time. And you brought back what it felt like to be actually loved."

His breathes got heavier as he hoisted me up and flipped us so that he was hovering over me with his dark, grey eyes that had a hard effect on me. His hands on either side of my face as he leaned in and our lips met for the second time tonight. He got himself comfier as he rested on his elbows but his lips never leaving mine. I unintentionally lifted my breast up against his chest and I heard a soft, yet deep groan emit from his throat and I loved what I could do to him. His tongue darted over my bottom lip swiftly and I opened my mouth, granting him full entrance and I felt him smirk but ignored it I allowed my hand to feel his God like body.

My hand tracing over the outlines of his abs, and below his navel to a bulge that was close to bursting out of his jeans and I couldn't help the blush that made its way to my cheeks. Before my hand could find its destination, his hand stopped me.

He broke the kiss and stared at me, "If we dont stop now, I might not stop at all," his voice was husky and it was a huge turn on.

"Then dont."

"Alyssa, its not mine to take, someone you love should," his voice suddenly grew soft and I knew he was slightly disappointed in his own statement.

"I love you, Cameron."


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