you're not my mother

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Groaning, I got up and glanced at the stupid alarm that woke me up. It was 6:30, and i had to leave for college at 8. I slowly made my way out of bed and walking like a zombie, I finally reached the bathroom.

I did my duty, and then walked into the shower, turning it on so that the water could heat up first. I undressed and got in, feeling the hot water trickle down my bare skin. I shuddered and got use to it, washing thoroughly until i could smell the soap on me. When i was done, i stepped out, dried my hair and made it into a messy bun before walking over to my closet and scanned wbat outfits I could wear today.

"ALYSSA!" Her horrid voice echoed throughout the entire house as i cringed before answering.

"I'M ALREADY AWAKE!" I yelled back and groaned, going back to my closet to look for something decent, yet also warm to wear since the weather was freezing cold today. I smiled lazily as i pulled out the perfect outfit and layed it out onto my three quarter bed neatly, before taking out a pair of black suede wedge ankle boots to pair it up with.

The white polar neck long sleeve dress stared at me neatly, with its black belt around the waist. It reached just below my knees and flowed beautifully by the waist, hugging my curves further up. I smirked, knowing how sexy my curves had made me look on some occasions, and with dresses like these... It brought out the best in me.

If only my face corresponded.

I wasn't pretty, or at least that's how i considered myself to be. I wasn't a makeup person, so everyone was use to my natural look, but today I felt so...

I felt weird.

Like I actually willingly wanted to apply some light makeup, which is totally unlike my usual self, and yes, i was complaining.

I walked over go my dresser and groaned at the eyeliner, matte lipstick, gloss, mascara and highlighter.

Oh hell no.

Only eyeliner and lipstick will do today.

I picked up the eyeliner and guided it along my eyelids carefully, creating a wing shape at the end of each eye magnificently. I smiled at my artwork and picked up the red matte lipstick, applied it and winked at my own reflection.

I knew how to do all of this because of my mom. She was a makeup artist and fashion designer, so of course I'll have designed oufits, makeup sets etc, but that didn't mean that I was rich or a wanna be Barbie doll like the popular cheerleaders you find in most teen flic movies. I wasn't even over dressing up. I hated it to be honest.

And let me not get started on make up. Yes, it makes you look prettier on occasions, but to me it takes away your natural glow and adds a bit of fakeness to it, now that trait i got from my dad.

He was the blunt, nonchalant and 'i don't give a fuck' type of person; me.


"FUCKING SHUT UP, I'M COMING!" I yelled back, grabbing my Dolcè and Cabana backpack, throwing it over one shoulder and taking my time to walk downstairs, grabbing my phone out of my side pocket, I switched it on and put it back, continuing my journey downstairs.

I finally reached the black marble floors and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a banana, going to the livingroom and kissing my little bro' on his head to which he cringed at and shoved me away after laughed.

"Why are you so happy? OMG. IT'S THE APOCOLAPSE!" He yelled and i rolled my eyes. He laughed and showed me the finger before continuing to watch his TV.

"Dylan, just because you're going through puberty, doesn't mean you get to take your cramps out on your big sis," I laughed, "And stop with that long ass finger of yours, you're only 12."


"What? you're that old already?" I laughed, knowing full well his true age.

"Shut up. Casey was looking for you," he changed the topic and i raised a brow. What would that old hag want this time.

I ruffled his hair and walked away, going to my step-mom's room and leaned against the doorway, staring at her till she would notice me.

"You called?"

"Jesus Alyssa, you scared me," she placed her hand onto her boobs dramatically. I rolled my eyes and continued standing in my posture, "And please, a little respect would be appreciated."

"You're not my m-"

"Your mom, I know," she sighed, "And I'm trying my best to act like one for you guys, but you're not making it any easier for me."

"The day you actually notice us, when you start making home cooked meals, when you start cleaning, when you stop chatting up random single men online, when you treat us with respect and loyalty, when you honor my father, when you start fucking acting like a godddamn mother to us, that's when ill respect you. Even if you tried, i'd salute you, because you made an effort, but you? all you do is sit on your ass on that phone of yours and you except me to respect you? ain't happening darlin'," I laughed and walked out, finishing off my banana, and heading for the main door where I walked out and down the street to college.

Time was dragging when i pulled out my phone to see it had only been 7:30am, so i plugged in my headphones and played 'covered in you' by Chris Brown. I felt my hips slowly swaying to the beat of the song and my mouth opening to sing along to it, and i had been so hard in a buzz, that I didn't even notice the car slowly driving next to me, until it pulled up on the curb and continued driving slowly.

I raised a brow and removed one earpiece, looking at the midnight blue BMW Z4, and becoming quite impressed with the car. It's my favourite and i always wanted one exactly like it, except i wanted a white one.

The drivers side window rolled down slowly and my smile disappeared. Although I did feel my cheeks turn a deeper shade of red and goosebumps appear on my skin.


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