i know where i stand

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I walked down the hallway, heading to physics class, again.

Today i won't take his shit.

He ruined the date with my little brother, and made me look like a idiot who slept with my professor, okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but my point still stands.

I slumped my bag over my shoulder and put my hair behind my ear, my eyebrows scrunched together, my blue eyes showing no emotion but anger, my lips in a straight line, and my posture straight up and curt.

I walked into the class, and took my seat at the back, awaiting him to come in.

And he did.

But, oddly, there was just something so different about him today. He didnt even take so much a glance at me, except call out my name for rolecall, and thats it. He continued teaching his lesson, without his eyes ever landing on me. Weird.

And he hadn't been smiling throughout the entire lesson as well. I wasn't complaining, but a part of me wondered what's wrong. A part of me wanted him to look at me, smile at me, look into his eyes, but he didn't.

He didnt do any of that.

I raised my hand purposely, forcing him to look at me, and speak to me, even if it was about the lesson. He turned around and looked from me, to my raised hand, and then back at me. His eyes filled with irritation and annoyance as his eyes squinted and his eyebrows scrunched together.

He knew what I was doing, so was I.

"Yes?" He didnt even say my surname, which meant he was serious.

"How would you say, these two interpols function without eachother, sir?" I questioned. I knew the answer to it, I just wanted him to look at me, so I can at least know where I stand.

"Well, miss Pierce, unfortunately for you, I cant answer that. That was one of the questions lined in your assignment, and answering that for you would make it unfair towards the other students," he said curtly, before turning back around to continue writing on the board, completely ignoring me again.

Shit. It was killing me not being able to speak to him normally. I get that I hardly know him, but can you honestly blame me?

The bell rang, signaling class was done, and I visibly relaxed, knowing he always stops me after class, maybe we would speak then. After everyone left, I purposely walked slow when I passed him, but his head was deep into the book he was writing things down in. I cleared my throat, but he didnt even look up. Then I cleared it again, this time louder.

He looked up at me with a raised brow and his lips pursed into a thin line.

"May I help you, miss Pierce?"

Oh My God.

He was really serious.

"What's up with you today, Mr. Lockhart. You've been ignoring me, more than usual, you didnt even try to stop me when I was about to leave-"

"You're not that important, miss Pierce. And please dont be offended, but we're nothing more than student and teacher, so why would I go out of my way, just to stop you from leaving my class? Like you stated before, I'm just your professor. And you're just my student, so I dont feel any need to randomly start up a conversation with you. I won't bother you anymore, I know where i stand, and you know where you stand. So please, if you dont mind, I'd like to continue my work, close the door on your way out."





"... so please, close the door on your way out," every word that came out my mouth just flowed like the water of a river or stream. I didnt mean for her to feel hurt, but I also wanted her to know that I was no pushover. I wasn't going to be controlled by her.

She looked taken aback, her eyes never leaving mine, even after I continued doing my work, she just stood there, her eyes burning holes into my head. Just when I thought she was about to say something else, she left without a word. She didnt seem angry either, just... nonchalant?

She showed no emotion whatsoever.

It's what she wanted, isn't it? She wanted me to stop bothering her, to leave her alone, even if I only meant it as innocent fun. I dont like her in any way, yes she is cute- no. Shes beautiful. Her personality makes me smile and lightens my day. Shes not like any other woman, she doesn't take my shit, and she doesn't just succumb to me whenever I want her to. I admired that about her, but she was always just my student.

The minute she left I removed my glasses and layed back into the leather chair, leaning my head back and stressful running my hands down my face.

It couldn't be that I was starting to take a liking to her? No.

I dont fall in love with my students, its probably just a phase, I'll build a bridge, and get over it.

I packed my bags, because it had been last period, so I got up and left the class, making my way towards my car. I got in and put my suitcase in the passenger seat, and just as I was about to put the key into the ignition to start the car, a voice sounded from next to me.

"Show me your hands," he said, pointing at me with his gun. I didn't know who he was, but clearly things weren't going right in his life at the moment. A black mask covered his face so I couldn't see him, and his gun pointing directly at me through the rolled down window. I put the keys down and lifted my hands up slowly, groaning.

I didnt have time for this.

"Slowly hand me over your keys, your wallet, and everything else you own, including that nice watch," he sinisterly laughed, mocking me. I was just about to hand over the keys, when he fell down lifeless to the ground next to me. Confusion striked all over my face, but when I looked out of the window, i saw her.

Those same blue eyes I liked to look at each day, staring back at me as a single tear slipped down her cheek. She looked just as shocked as I was, hell I'd even say she looked scared. She was trembling, and her eyes were wide, her skin pale, and her mouth was open as heavy breaths escaped her. I hurriedly got out the car and looked down at my feet, where I saw the man lying down on the ground. I wasn't sure if he was dead, but he didnt seem like he was breathing anymore. Blood oozed out of the side of his head as big shards of glass stuck to them and lay around his head.

I looked up at her, the broken bottle falling from her hands as she stared at me, her chest heaving up and down rapidly. Little bits of glass stuck to her palms, but she didnt care.

As I walked towards her, she closed her eyes and collapsed, right before her head hit the ground I had managed to catch her just in time, holding her precious frame to my chest. I held her tight, hugging her to me as I held her bridal style.

She saved me, she saved my life.


Well if you ask me I'd say she deserved a gold medal for that save!

Dont forget to press the tiny little star in the corner there! Love you guys!

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