an accidental death

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"You ungrateful bitch!" He spat, sending a blow straight to my cheek, his hand colliding with my warm, gentle skin that turned red immediately on impact. My eyes widened as tears filled the brim of my lids, feeling my anger surface as well as all other emotions.

I lifted my hand, forming a fist as I punched him square in the jaw making him step back, holding it his face as shock filled his face. A single tear fell down my warm cheek, but I wasn't sobbing. My face was cold, and emotionless the more I stared at him. My lips in a thin, straight line as my eyebrows scrunched together in rage, my blue eyes squinting, showing him that I wasn't planning on backing down, ever.

Blood dripped out of the corner of his mouth as he clenched his jaw staring at me, taking rapid and huge steps towards me, his strides looking scary, but I didn't budge. He didnt do anything except take my jaw in his hand, pressing it painfully making me close my eyes and grit my teeth because of the pain.

"Let. Me. Go!" I yelled, I didnt thrash around, I just merely gave him a warning, to which he complied, not immediately, but he did.

"You need to learn some fucking manners, Lis," his words spitting like anger.

"Oh suck my dick you crazy asshole, you think you're always so high and mighty, and all the girls should ask how high when you tell them to jump, right? Well, bitch, I'm about to fucking to remove those tiny little balls you have," I laughed to myself, as a sinister smile made it's way to my face.

He smiled too.

"You know," he came closer again, his face merely inches away from mine, "I'd luck to fuck that smart mouth of yours someday."

"Psh, fuck your own," I said and turned on my heel and I was about to walk away, when he grabbed my arm like a vice, and pulled me to him.

"Why dont I just make that day, today...."

I shot up from my laying position and looked around me, squinting my eyes at the many bright lights all around me. The minute I sat up some monitor went of directly next to me, and I looked down to my arm, seeing that it was connected to some other wire.

I was surprised to see that I still had my own clothes on. Usually they'd undress me and put on some robe thing over. I know this place too well.

I'm in a fucking hospital, but what was I doing here? I looked down to the bed seeing Cameron fast asleep on a chair, his hair wild and crazy, his lips slightly parted, his long lashes resting so peacefully on his high cheekbones. Now I could fully take in and admire his beauty. I didn't even know that he had freckles sprawled across his nose up till his cute cheeks, and he had sexy blush pink lips, not full, yet not thin either. His hair was dark and a slightly brown, but the brown was only seen during intense sunlight, and black and it was really hot if I had to say so. A sharp jawline caressed his neck, making my insides clench. I just wanted to touch it so bad. His blazor was lying on the floor, tossed there carelessly, and his white shirt looked disheveled and wrinkled.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing me his veiny forearms.


Wild thoughts went through my mind, how he'd effortlessly lift me up and hoist me against the wall, wrapping my legs around torso as he hungrily kissed the living shit out of me. My arms wrapped around his neck as I moaned his name, feeling his hardened erection poking my thighs as he started grinding it against my core. My head fell back as my nails dug into his back, his tongue never leaving my bare neck as he placed hickey's all over.


"Alyssa?" He tiredly asked, as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, waking up and looking immediately at me. His grey eyes sparkling with adoration the more he looked.

I remained quiet, just looking at him and appreciating his beauty.

Oh Cameron, if only you knew what I was thinking about.

"How are you feeling?" He suddenly asked, snapping me out of my reverie as he leaned forward in the chair, placing his elbows on the bed as he looked at me, awaiting my answer.

"Better," was all I answered, not because I didnt want to, but my throat was parched and I was too scared to say anything, I might just say something dirty by accident.

He raised a brow before leaning in closer towards me and tilted his head slightly to the left, his eyes trained on my lips as we were merely inches apart from eachother, our noses briefly touching.

He closed his eyes and his hand formed a fist, before he groaned and moved back, dropping a lingering kiss on my forehead instead.


He looked down, already breathless as I closed my eyes, closing my legs and pinching them together to get rid of the feeling.

"Thank you," he muttered under his breath, but loud enough that I'd hear as he rested his forehead against my own, closing his eyes and taking his hand in mine, caressing the skin.

"For what?" I looked into his eyes.

"You dont remember?"

"No?" Was there something I was supposed to remember? Dont tell me fucked.

"You saved me. A man was about to rob me and maybe even shoot me afterwards, but you smashed a bottle over his head," He smiled proudly, his eyes shining with adoration and proudness, causing me to smile, in confusion of course, "I'm... I, i was at a loss for words, Alyssa. I owe you, I owe you my life and... you're so, just so amazing. You never cease to amaze me, I'm so proud of you. Really."

I smiled, "I dont, i guess i dont know what to say," I scratched my head with a smile.

"Why am I here though?" I asked.

"I guess after you realised he was dead-"

"HIS DEAD?!" I squealed, my eyes wide as shit and my throat seemed clogged.

"Y-yeah, too much blood seeped out of his head, it was impossible to save him anyway," he just shrugged, he looks like he doesn't even give a fuck.

"I-I killed someone," I admitted, my head fell in my hands as I became ashamed of myself. Guilt and shame filled my features and I was sure that I'd be having nightmares now.

The door burst open to reveal a worried Casey. (fake, and she should get a gold star as actress of the year). She came over to my bed and I rolled my eyes, not even caring that she saw. Her eyes glanced over to Cameron and they widened, staring at him until he cleared his throat.

Dylan came afterwards. His face was filled with pain and worry, when his gaze shifted to Cameron too. Oh fuck no. His eyes squinted and his hands turned into fists, his rage beginning to surface as he yelled,

"What the fuck is he doing here?!"


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