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"How the fuck could she just have vanished like that?!" I yelled, gritting my teeth together and fisting my hands before pulling at my hair in frustration. I paced the room anxiously, my thoughts rambling in all different places at once, thinking of possible solutions to my questions.

Where is she?

Is she with anyone?

Who took her from me?

Why did she leave me?

"Maybe she just went on a vacation," I tried reasoning with myself and covering up what I really thought was happening.

I breathed out heavily, turning my head to face Rosetta once more. Her frightened face trying her best not to look in my direction as her hands trembled alongside her. Why would she never say anything? She was always quiet and quite a pest if I'm being honest. I didn't like her, but I had to put up with her, I had to make right by my sister and keep my promise. I flared my nostrils and slammed my open palms onto the table that she was sitting at as she startled, her breathing coming out frantic and rushed as she made eye contact with me. Well that's a first.

"Why wont you say anything?!" I yelled at her, her lips parted and her tears rolling down her reddened face.

"Wh-what am I to say?" She asked, trying her best not to sound affected by my presence.

"Something! Anything other than your annoying quietness," I sneered at her.

"Maybe the girl you're looking for is-is no longer here-"

"Dont you think I figured that much?!"

"I-I meant maybe she, she left the city and moved away," she said again, her eyes instantly moving away from me once she had spoken.

"No," I said sternly, "Impossible."

"Anything is possible," she said again, this time much quicker than she had ever said anything before. Maybe she had begun to slowly stop fearing every move I made. I mean I wasn't going to kill her, maybe.

"Its impossible! Okay? Impossible," I tried convincing myself, but even I knew the girl had a point. But why would she run away? I wasn't going to hurt her, not in the slightest. I loved her, damnit.

"W-would you tell me who she is?" Rosetta asked, moving her eyes away from me as she started fidgeting with her jittery fingers.

"Alyssa," I said, walking over to the fridge to grab me a cold beer, "The prettiest girl alive. Her body, her actions, her words, everything she does is attractive. The way her hair would effortlessly fly around when the wind got too much, her anxiety whenever she started overthinking, her lip biting when she got turned on, her voice completely alike with that of an angel. She's beautiful and perfect. And mine," I finished, taking my seat across from her.

"I also knew of an Alyssa, but that one has a boyfriend," Rosetta said, looking up to meet my gaze. I studied her for a bit, squinting my eyes to see if there was any other information she knew. What if it was my Alyssa she was referring to? But Alyssa wouldn't betray me like that, she wouldn't dare move on with her life.

"Tell me more."

"She's not like the girl you described just now. She's f-fearless, badass, not giving a care in world and super b-beautiful," Rosetta smiled. No. It wasn't the Alyssa I knew, not by a longshot. Alyssa was always afraid of the smallest things, always lending a hand wherever she would see fit, smiling everyday as if it were a norm.

"That's not her," I said.

"Oh," she paused, "You could always stalk her again?" She recommended. She had a point. But I wasn't a lunatic.

"You watch her every move, everything she does, wherever she goes. I'm pretty that's a lunatic?"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I growled out. Rosetta smiled this time.

"You're not a bad person, uncle. You just need someone to care and love you."

"I-" I paused. What was she saying?

"I don't need anyone to love me, I'm perfectly independent."

"Are you?" She questioned me. SHE JUST QUESTIONED ME.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, girl?" I asked her, getting up from the table and throwing the beer bottle across from me into the wall, causing it to shatter and spread glass pieces all around. Slamming my fists onto the table I made eye contact with her.

She just smiled.

"I met a boy who had similar behavior to yours, I really liked him. Once we started hanging out more..I noticed that his behaviour changed as time went on, his amazing actually. And so are you, you just need her."

"Why are you hanging around with boys, are you serious right now? You could be fucking for all I care! You're too young!" I yelled. She was getting on my last nerve.

"No dont worry, I am a woman of God, sex before marriage is a sin," she said. Wow. I did not think Lavender had raised her daughter to be a Christian, especially after she had her out of wedlock. Last I remember, she didnt even believe there was a God. But... for once, she had made the right decision.


"Dont say anything, uncle. Just calm down, we will find her," she got up from her seat and nodded at me before making her way to her room.

She was getting wise beyond words and a part of me didn't want to accept it.

"Fuck today's kids and their smartasses," I muttered under my breath and huffed, trying to think of conclusions and ways to find my woman. My one and only woman! Who the fuck did she think she was for leaving me like that?!

I'm a lunatic.

But a lunatic for her, because I was crazy about her and she knew it. She was using it to my advantage. Taking control of my vulnerability when it comes to being around her, so she just left. Without a word and without a trace. Knowing it would kill me slowly and remove any warmth I had left inside of me. All my good emotions were leaving my soul one for one as I felt my entire body become stiff and cold.

I was going to find her. At all costs. She was mine, even if I have to kill people in the way, I would do it.

For her. For my woman.


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