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Picture of Alyssa above.

Mature scenes ahead. You have been warned.


His eyes were wide as he stared at me, complete utter shock and disbelief filled his entire features, but hope and adoration being the strongest. He was at a loss for words, his hands becoming clammy and so was his forehead as he hair clung to it, his lips slightly parted as he still hovered over me.

Saying what I said and judging by his expressions and reactions, I felt embarrassed and humiliated. Why did I even say that? Its fucking too soon isn't it? I mean, it's only been a few months since we've started getting intimate and he clearly wasn't ready for this. I loved Lucas, I loved him with all my heart, but he broke me in more ways than one, the only dignity he couldn't take from me was my virginity because I knew he wasn't the one. I didn't feel the connection to him that was as strong as the one I'm feeling for Cameron right now. But every damn time I promise myself I wont embarrass myself again, or fall inlove again, my fucking heart doesn't comply.

I may have not given a fuck in most situations, but when it came to my dignity and honor, I wouldn't think twice about saving it for the man that truly held my heart and the man who I thought was deserving enough to take it, to claim it.

To claim me.

I stared into his eyes as I felt my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. He didn't want this. He clenched his jaw and looked away, not moving off of me either.

"Say something," I pleaded. I didn't need him to even physically react to what I had said, but i need a confirmation. I wanted to hear him reject me and tell me how much he didnt want me.

"Alyssa," he breathed out, looking everywhere but at me, "I don't want to do this-"

"I knew it," I clenched my jaw and shoved him at his chest as I felt my eyes slightly darken with rage and regret, "You make me fall for you this whole time and tell me things that made me think you wanted it as much as i did, but no-"

He shut me up by roughly placing his lips onto mine, his hands at either side of my head as I slowly felt my body within his embrace and touch. My chest heaved up so that it could touch his own, but I wasn't giving in as quick as I would normally do. I was still pissed.

I moved my face away so that I wouldn't look at him.

"The reason why I dont want to do this is because I'll," he breathed out, "I'll hurt you, Alyssa. I'll break you and I never ever want to see you hurt or in pain- especially when I'm the cause of it."

Realization hit me as hard as a rock as I took in what he was saying. He didnt want to have sex with me because he was afraid of leaving me too sore. I smiled and blushed slightly as I turned my face back to him and grabbed his face in between my hand, "You could never hurt me."

And with that I pulled his face down so that our lips could meet again. I felt him release a bit of tension as his body molded with mine so perfectly. His lips in sync with mine as his tongue swiped over my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I gladly gave in. My lips parting as his tongue slid into my mouth, his hand playing with my hair as he grabbed a fistful of it and jerked my head back, giving him deeper access. He left my mouth and moved to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe and his hot breath fanned my neck as I stifled back a moan and bit my lip, craning my neck.

"I love you too," he whispered in my ear and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, "Are you sure you want this?"

"Mmhmm," I moaned loudly when his tongue glided across my neck and I was sure he was marking me with his hickeys, but I didnt mind, not in the slightest.

His mouth and kisses leaving a hot trail on my neck despite the cool breeze that flew past us. I relished in the moment as I felt his hand reach out to the back of my dress, slowly pulling the zipper down until it reached my waist. With that he pulled it down my shoulders, inching it lower and lower until it was no longer on me. Unclipping my bra and ripping apart my moist panties, he stared down at me as his eyes darkened with lust.

"Fucking beautiful," he whispered to himself more than to me and I internally felt my blood rises again. His lips connecting with my bare stomach, his tongue left a wet trail all the way down until he stopped at my thighs. His hands on each leg, he smiled wickedly with his head positioned between my legs and I honestly never wanted to get this image out of my head.

A loud, ear piercing scream left my lips as I felt his warm lips glide across my folds hungrily. His tongue slipping in my moistness as he ate me out like his been starving from forever, "Cameron," I moaned out his name as my neck craned upward as well as my chest. I used my legs to tug at his sweater to which he ripped off and I widened my eyes at his defining abs and gorgeous toned pecks. I was definitely super lucky.

The sound of licking filled the air dramatically and I clenched a few times but he didnt seem, he was devoted to fulfilling his hunger.

Lifting his head from beneath, he looked at me with dark eyes and pressed his lips onto mine again, "See how sweet you taste?" He huskily said onto my lips as his tongue slipped in my mouth easily.

Biting my lower lip, I moaned when I felt his member poking my inner thigh. Taking off his pants he kissed me uncontrollably, and without taking much heed to whatever else was happening, I gasped feeling his finger slip in my opening as he began moving it in and out slowly, my moans filling his ears as he tried to muffle it by kissing me, leaving my lips he went back to my neck and his tongue swiped over my weak spot behind my ear and he began leaving hickeys all over my neck as another finger slipped inside of me. Pain and pleasure mixed as my back arched up into his hold.

He was fully naked now as he left me and sat up, stroking himself a few times as he rubbed his dick against my wet pussy, making him wet in the process. I screamed louder than I ever have in the past as he slipped his dick into my opening. Hovering over me, he tried to ease the pain by kissing me and pleasure me in more ways than one, but my attention was solely on his dick inserting itself deeper and deeper into me. Coming closer to me, he whispered in my ear,

"You're mine. All mine."


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