you'll always be mine

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I walked out of my last exam with my head held high as if I had taken over the world, my converse sneakers were light on the ground and I had a skip in my step. My palms were reaching for the sky and my smile reached my eyes.

I had never felt so confident about any exam before, but I knew that I aced my papers. My backpack was sluggishly thrown over my shoulder when I got my jeans started vibrating. Taking my phone out I saw Dylan was calling.

"How do you feel knowing you're graduating in a couple days?" He asked me and I could hear the rush in his tone. He was probably on lunch break at school.

"Man you gave no idea," I said in relief, "I could finally say that I'm done studying and even open my own business," the smile in my voice was evident.

"That's great and all, but how are you holding up?"

"I'm good, why?"

"Uhh," he paused, "Lucas came over this morning, just after you left-"

"I dont wanna hear about it."

"You have no choice," he paused, sounding serious and urgent, "He said if you dont take him back he will do something seriously bad."

"I believe he will," I said, my happy mood drooped, "this is a serious threat and we need to tell the police."

"Tell them what exactly? It's our word against his, and once he finds out we squealed on him he'll be pissed and you know it."

My heart dropped. The bounce in my step gone, my feet suddenly feeling heavy against the ground and my smile had faded, along with my dreams. I dont understand why he was holding on to this, we both agreed to part ways a long time ago so why was he doing this?

"Fine," his defeat voice finally agreed, "Maybe fate just wasn't on our side after all."

I sighed, "Yeah, with all this fighting and tears, I doubt this will end well."

Lucas looked at me, a dozen emotions clouding his orbs as his lips parted to say something, but he never did. He just kept looking at me as if his life depended on it.

"I'll always love you, and you'll always be mine. But if this is the state that it's going to be, I think we're better off separately," he admitted. A single, lone tear falling down his face as he averted his gaze from me, "Maybe one day we could reunite, just... not like this."

And right then it hit me.

He was waiting all this time, he had been waiting for the right time, for the right time when he thought we'd both be ready to try again, only I didn't feel the same. We'd never be the way we were again, especially not now. All these years I had been concentrating on fixing myself up, building up my confidence, and in the meantime, my feelings had faded without me realizing it. And then Cameron had fallen onto my lap, making me completely forget Lucas. It was like he never ever existed in the first place, like he wasn't my first boyfriend, wasn't my first serious relationship.

I blamed myself for the situation I was in, maybe if I'd tried harder on fixing our relationship back then, it wouldn't be this way now. If I'd fought harder for him, gave him more of my love and focus, we'd still be together.

But only you wouldn't have all this confidence and fight within you, you wouldn't even have been with Cameron.

My brain had always been my weakest point. It was what kept me going through all the challenges I've faced. My brain was the reason I had to let Lucas go. Realizing how poor my life would have been now, I chose a different path, one that didn't involve Lucas, only now I'm having to pay the consequences of that choice.

I continued my journey home, thanking my lucky stars I wasn't far from school so that I could walk home within minutes. On my way home, I thought of strategies, plans, and more things to get Lucas anywhere but here. Away from Dylan. A red Mercedes car drove next to me and pulled up on the curb, rolling down its tinted windows to look at me with a surprise facial feature and I face I never thought I'd ever see again.

My heart dropped as my knees became weak within an instant, my hands clammy and trembling as my hair blew into my mouth and I awkwardly spat it out and removed it from my mouth and acted natural, my throat clogging up.

"Get in," his thick, yet velvety voice said sternly. His features unwavering and his eyebrows ceased together in frustration, but the playful tiny, very tiny smile played across his lips and my heart almost did a backflip.

I made my way around the car and got in inside the passenger seat, my heart moving to comfortably sit in my ass and I could basically hear her saying " let's get comfy, there's a long, awkward road ahead"

I looked out of the window, unable to say anything. The airconditioninig cooling my sweaty neck.

He cleared his throat, "Dont think I forgave you."

I breathed in, "B-but why are you.. what are you doing?" Confusion came about me when I took in my surroundings and noticed his GPS not heading towards my home, but he made a stop in front of it, taking out his phone and putting it to his ear.

"Dylan, come outside, but pack a few things for you and your sister," he said quickly and put the phone down.

He had Dylan's contact details? Pack a few things?

"What's going on-"

"You dont get to speak," he turned his head toward me, his eyes darkening and I could see his rage as well as his breathing had quickly picked up its pace.

"But I-"

"Alyssa just trust me for once!" He growled, emphasizing on the word trust and I knew he was talking about way more than just this. Dylan came out of the house, a smile playing on his face as he grabbed both suitcases and tossed it into the back of the car as he got in the backseat, closing the door.

"Glad my plan's finally in motion," he huffed, relaxing in the back of the car.

"What plan," I hissed at Dylan, "Where we are going Dylan!?"

Cameron huffed, a smile tugged at his lips, "To my home, baby."


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