no sleeping in class

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"OH MY GOD! YOU HAD TO SEE HER FACE!" Anastasia laughed and it made me smile slightly as she stomped her feet towards the ground. She had been attracting stares ever since we entered onto the property. Students grimaced and scrunched up their noses on account of her laugh; I thought it was cute though. It was like a penguin had a baby with a dolphin and that baby was downsyndrom. That's how it sounded to many others, but to me? It was cute.

"I was the one to cause that face, Ana, I think I'll know how it looked," I rolled my eyes and smiled as we made our way towards our lockers and she laughed louder as we recieved eye rolls from alot of other people.

"You're such a badass," she smiled and nudged me on the arm, "And it's so cool."

I smiled.

"I wish I could have your sternness though," she sighed and I raised a brow. I knew something had been bothering her, but it never actually came to my attention to actually ask her about it.

Bad friend, I get it.


"Because..." she trailed off, "Luka and I are dating for 2 months now. The other day, I called him into my class and he didnt want to come. I left him, thinking i was probably just overthinking things. But then we started drifting apart each day, and yesterday, I was speaking to Alex about our assignment, and Luka came in, saw us and stormed out. I feel so bad Lis, like I think I'm losing him, and I honestly dont want to, but his really hurting me too," she started crying softly and my heart sank.

This was why I didn't do relationships.

My lip twitched as I typed in the code for access to my locker and she leaned against the wall, staring at me, "Maybe you should start putting yourself first. Stop putting yourself down everytime and think about all the effort you make to actually be with him, if he cant see how much he means to you, then trust me, his not the one."

She sighed and opened her locker, which was next to mine and took took out her books and so did I before we closed it again and headed towards Bio, which lucky for me, was Camer- Mr. Lockharts class.


We made our way towards it when Genevieve looked at me from a distance and slightly winced, but she pretended to act nonchalant and unsurprised. I smiled.

She walked past me and 'accidentally' bumped her pointy shoulder against my own muttering an 'oops, my bad' and then strutting herself away. I grimaced and balled my fists at my sides, marching toward her with angry eyes when a hand pulled my arm back abruptly, stopping me from my mission; which was to finally teach Genevieve a lesson, physically.

"Lis, you're better than this," Ana sighed and kept a hold on my arm, looking directly at me, her eyes speaking volumes of meanings, "We all know you'll hurt her, but that doesnt mean that you should. Leave her be, let her have her victory and walk away."

I gritted my teeth and sighed, looking down, "Fine," I muttered under my breath along with a few curse words as well.

Ana smiled and we finally walked in peace towards our classes and my eyes widned when I saw how packed it was. Had all these students been in this class all this time? How did I not notice?

Because you were too busy in your own fantasy of Cameron.

I sighed at my conscious and made my way towards my desk, where I slid in and placed my bag next to me as I readied myself for class.

Yeah right, for 'class'

A few minutes of pointless chatters filled the room and I was thankful I didnt have much friends, make that zero, besides Anastasia, so I placed my head onto the desk and closed my eyes, 'in the name of love' playing through my head from my ear pieces by Martin Garrix and Bebe Rexha.

EDM was the shit to me, I couldn't a day without it.

Just thinking I had begun to doze off, I felt a presence behind me. A strong, dominant aura and the sweet smell of that awfully familiar cologne. I tensed up and slowly sat up, writing down all the notes he had already written down and played it cool, acting nonchalant and chill.

When in my mind, I was screaming.

"Sleeping in my class could lead you to big trouble, Miss Pierce," his husky yet velvety voice said in my ear and I gulped. Does he always have to have such an affect on me? Shit.

"I-im sorry," I huffed out and breathed out as I tried to regulate and even this harsh breaths, but to no avail.

"Hmmm, you know what? Maybe I wont give you detention, I think some after class activities would do you some good," I could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he walked past me. He spoke soft enough so no-one else heard, yet loud enough to tell me what he meant. He placed his hands behind his back and winked at me, before swiftly making his way back to the board and continued with the Bio lesson.

I was supposed to act cool.

What happened to cool?

Why was I even nervous right now?


~time skip~

"I dont like how distant you're being from me," he growled from across his desk as I leaned back in my chair, my arms crossed over my chest and my brow raised. He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes on me as his elbows rested on the desk.

"And I dont like how demanding you are," I paused as I readied myself to get up, "If I wanna be distant, let me. If I wanna be all up in your grill, let me. LET ME DO ME OWN DAMN THING."

He smirked, "Or you could just... do me?"

I blushed furiously and widened my eyes at his remark, my mouth dropping as i blinked several times, trying to believe my ears.

"Y-you, IM BEING SERIOUS AND YOU HAVE TIME FOR SNARKY COMMENTS?" I almost yelled in his face as I tried to play it cool, acting angry instead of... well, aroused.

He laughed.

Oh, my, God, he laughed.

As cheesy or cliche as this may sound, his laugh meant more to me anything else his ever said to me up till now. It almost made me smile, and made me forget about ever being angry at him before. It sounded so... melodic in a way.

"I was joking, baby," he smiled and got up from his seat, walking around the desk only to stand infront of me, folding his nice, muscled arms across his hard chest as he stared at me. He cocked his head to the side with a glint in his eyes. He leaned back against the desk as he stood before me and I went rigid as I realised what he was looking at.

I looked down slightly, noticing my sweater had lowered, showing my cleavage a bit more than it was supposed to.

Wow, nice timing.

"If I was completely honest, it doesn't seem as though your body wanted me joking about that," he leaned in closer and slowly lifted me up from the chair as he sat there instead. Just when I thought he was only stealing my seat, he pulled down onto his lap and wrapped my legs on either side of the chair so that I was straddling him.

The bell had gone off some time ago already, and student were walking past the class that was currently occupied as if there was no one in here. I looked toward the door, my hands trembling and clammy.

"Dont worry, I have a free period, so there wont be any other student in here for another hour and a half. And the door is locked," he said, noticing how nervous I was.

"You have a free period, I dont."

"So? Skip it."

"I-its not that simple," I tried sounding confident, but the bulge under my panties wasn't helping.

"It is. Just dont go," he shrugged as he leaned back, watching me.

I was in my train of thoughts, as he suddenly got up, still holding my thighs at each side of him as he slammed me against the wall, his lips furiously meeting my own, as if he had been longing to do this for a while.

"I'm going to make you want to stay."


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