lets go

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Friday. The day every scholar looked forward to. Friday meant that the week was over and it was now time to have a bit of fun and take your mind off academics and put it on yourself and enjoying every moment of it.

Friday personally meant heaven to me.

No work, no writing, no studying, no professors. Well, I had to admit, there was a particular professor that had me doubting about ever liking Fridays because that would mean I had to wait three whole days to see him again, but I was going to try my best to forget him.

I didn't want to, but... I wanted to enjoy my weekend.

"DYLAN!" I yelled from the kitchen island and he came walking lazily toward me, with a slightly raised eyebrow and his arms slumped at his sides.


"Here. I made you a sandwich," I handed over his plate to him and the corner of his mouth twitched as he stared at me. He pulled out a stool and sat across from me before examining the plate.

"Relax," I sighed, "Its not poisoned."

"Hmp," he shrugged and took a bite- while still looking skeptically at me of course- and asked, "What happened?"

Taken aback, I asked, "What do you mean what happened?"

"Something obviously happened, because you're way to happy for your own good, and you just made me a sandwich. Willingly."

I smiled and blushed slightly, "Nothing happened, okay? Now eat your sandwich."

"Yes, BossLady," he laughed and took a bite from it. I sat in my stool and eyed him for a bit before taking a bite from my own. College wasn't all bad today actually, a bit disappointing that Cameron hadn't come in today, and I was hoping there was nothing wrong with him.

Or he could just be avoiding you because of what happened.

I shook out my thoughts and forced myself to stop overthinking everything. I ate my sandwich done and got up, heading toward the living room, as I switched on the TV and patted the open seat next to me for Dylan to occupy it.

He raised his brow and shook his head, getting up, grabbing his phone and some money before he headed out the door.

Well, okay then.

~3 minutes later~

I jumped up slightly when I felt a constant vibration come from next to me. Glancing down from the TV to the couch, I answered the call without checking the caller ID.

"Get dressed, get ready. I'll pick you up in an hour."

With that, he ended the call. I stare at my phone dumbfounded and lost In a trance that had somehow welcomed me with open arms.

Well finally your life is heading somewhere.

I sighed, switching back and forth between two different movies before realizing I had an hour to pick a perfect outfit, do my hair, my nails, shave my legs, shave.... in places, shower, and-

and oh my God.

What the fuck do I where?

I debated on calling him back to ask where his taking me, should I wear something casual, formal, classy? Or sexy even? Something comfortable? My pajamas? For all I know, he could be preparing for a sleepover of some sort.

And if he did, we both know you wont be getting any sleep.

I heated up at my own conscience and shook my head trying to clear out any wrong ideas. Getting both nervous and excited at the same time, I jumped up from the couch and headed upstairs to my room, making sure to lock everything at the bottom first.

Wouldn't want someone to break in and try to rape me.

Running up the stairs never seemed so easy in my life before as it did this moment, there was so much adrenaline coursing through my body I wasn't even getting tired or something. I passed by the bedrooms and kicked mine open, before rushing into the bathroom and doing everything I felt was necessary. That alone had taken me about 20 minutes, and I had tied my hair into a messy bun because there was no need for a wash and all that, that would just take up more time- that I do not have at the moment.

Once done in the bathroom I didn't even wrap a towel around me, instead I dried myself and ran out naked, shuffling around my closet for something cute to wear.

*5 minutes later*

My clothes all sprawled around the floor of my bedroom as I breathlessly stared at the maroon coloured pencil dress in my hand. It was a heart shaped boob line dress that hugged my body around the waist area and above, yet flowing losely around me till it reached just above my knees. This was honestly so cute.

I paired it up with my low cute white converse- if you're asking, I dont do heels- and white sling bag that I threw over my shoulder. It was small enough to acquire minimal items, yet big enough to fit my purse, phone, some makeup and hand sanitizer that I had in every bag I owned.

I was a germ-aphobic.

I put on the clothes and applied some winged eyeliner, mascara, maroon matte lipstick, and some highlighter before letting my hair flow losely around my hips in their natural curls.

*honk honk*

The sound of a car made me startle and jump up as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Nervous and anxiously, I closed my bedroom doors and headed downstairs, clutching my bag in my hands and opening up the front door.

There he was, all in his glory, with a white golfer sweater and some blue jeans that suited him perfectly. His hair was disheveled- as always- and his muscled arms were crossed over his broad chest. I stared at his grey eyes that were looking me up and down and a devious, yet approving smile crossed his features. I blushed under his intense gaze but tried to keep my composure and show that I wasn't affected.

"Hey babe," he smiled at me, "You ready to go?"

Shit. His voice was like a thousand angles were singing my prayers around me and flying up with my where we would go to heaven.

"Uhh, y-yeah," Why the fuck did I stutter? I was supposed to be calm and collected, I was supposed to be unaffected!

He chuckled, "Dont be nervous, I wont be fucking you," he laughed and narrowed his eyes as he took my hand in his before whispering to himself, but I could hear, "Yet."

I let out a breath and locked the double doors before leaving the doorstep and climbing into his BMW Z4. He revved and sped off making me clutch onto the seat and lean back into it as I widened my eyes.

"So?" He began as his left hand found my bare thigh and he began rubbing it up and down slowly, I tensed, "You dressed this nicely for me?"

"You're the only guy taking me out, well no genius, I'm dressing me up for Jimmy Neutron," I rolled my eyes as I heard his light chuckle sound through the air and I looked away to avoid my smile.

"Funny, but seriously though, you're sexy."

I blushed intensely and inwardly scolded myself and threw a tantrum in my mind at why I was acting so kiddy all around him. This wasn't like me.

"So I've decided to take you somewhere special, you know? Like somewhere where no other guy has ever taken you to before," he said with a small playing at his lips. His sexy, kissable lips.

"Somewhere like?"

Suddenly he laughed, "No that's a surprise darling."


"Tell me so I can be prepared."




"Pretty please?"


"I'll do anything!" Suddenly it was out. And as soon as I said it, I've realized my mistake.



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