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Not even needing my "mother" to yell me awake this morning because I've been up all night thinking about my professor that seems to have a weird pull on me.

The eyebags under my eyes clear as daylight as I walked like a turtle to my bathroom, slumping and dragging my feet across the wooden floor lazily- mostly tiredly- until I came across the mirror.

"Nooooo," I moaned with a frown on my face as i stared at my tired, ugly face in the mirror for about 3 minutes straight. I'm quite surprised it hasn't broke yet. Splashing cold water on my face, with the though that my eyebags would eventually go away, I walked out after brushing my teeth and doing all the necessary things in the bathroom.

"ALYSSA!" That same horrid voice screamed from downstairs, making me cringe as per normal, and yell back, "I'm up" as every other day.

But deep in the back of my mind I knew it's not going to be like every other day from this day forth.

I did everything I was supposed to in my room and headed downstairs, realizing I forgot my phone I headed back up, grabbed it and my backpack and headed back down.

"Duuuude," I heard my brother laugh while speaking on the phone to one of his friends probably, "She's so hot bro, I just wanna fu-"

"WOAH!" I yelled at him, snatching his phone away from him with huge eyes knowing full well what he was about to say next. I didnt tolerate this. Not at all. His way to young and should be focusing on his school work, I get that his growing and getting older, but that shouldn't mean that he wants to already have sex with 15 year old girls. Not on. And since my step-mom didnt give a fuck, I felt the responsibility to look after him, I was his older sister after all.

"Hey!" He yelled back trying to get his phone back, but I was beyond furious right now.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I yelled even louder, my curse words surfacing way worse than they ever have before, "Dylan, you're only 15, why are you talking about 'fucking' at your age? Do you even realise that I hardly knew what sex was at your age?"

"Pssshh, no durh. You guys come from the stone age, those days you didnt know what 'fucking' meant," he laughed.

My eyes squinted, "For your information, I'm only 22, and you watch your language with me you dumbass!-"

"What's happening here?" Her voice came into the room and once we both knew who it was, we rolled our eyes and groaned, looking at her with a look of pure boredom.

"What's it to you?" I asked, grabbing my bag and putting Dylan's phone in it, making my way to the door.

"I'm your mo-"

"Stepmom," Dylan corrected her, "And Lis, please give my phone back? I'll promise to speak better."

"Until i hear it, you're not getting it, sucker!" I laughed and walked out, making my way calmly towards college, not looking forward to today at all.

Making my way towards lunch now, because its finally my break, after a whole 3 learning hours straight. My bag slumped over my shoulder, not caring about my hair looking all messy today, I walked slowly, picking out my food and sitting down next to my friends.

"Rina, dont bullshit me," Kyle laughed before getting serious, putting his arm around her shoulders. Rina and Kyle have been dating for about a year now, kind of makes me jealous from time to time though, seeing as I've been single for 4 years now. Sad, yeah I know.

"I swear Kyle!" She laughed back, before noticing my arrival, "LIS! we haven't spoken in ages! How are you?!"

"Uhmmm, Rina," I broke her off with a smile, "We literally spoke before lunch break," I laughed and so did the others.

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