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❇ Rachel's POV ❇

Once I stepped out of the lift, my brows snapped together. Amelia wasn't at her desk and cheers could be heard coming from the office. It was a Monday morning, ten to be exact. I had to drag myself out of bed when the alarm went off and my eyes could barely stay open. Plus, people would normally be procrastinating whether they should be working. So what in the world happened?

Out of curiosity, I followed the sound and found that the cheering came from the office opposite of mine.

I turned around and walk back to my office while wondering what were they celebrating about. Then it hit me. The result of the Accounting Manager position was out.

It was clear to me that I wasn't the one who had gotten the position.

I thought I wouldn't feel disappointed because I really didn't expect much from this. I didn't dare to get my hopes up too high because I know how sad I would be. It was already a miracle that I was even considered for this promotion. But, here I am, fighting back tears of disappointment.

I thought to myself that getting over this would be a piece of cake. As I've been through disappointments worse than this. But to be fair, nobody would be thrilled to know that he or she had failed to get the promotion.

With the determination to stop myself from crying whilst standing outside of my office, I squared my shoulders and march towards the glass door. I was so focused on keeping my emotions in check that I didn't even notice there wasn't anyone in the office.

"Congratulations, Rachel!" All of my colleagues jumped out from a corner and exclaimed in unison.

"What the hell?" The loud noise startled me, and I dropped my bag on the floor. For a good 30 seconds, nobody moved or said anything. I was too stunned to react. I felt like everybody's eyes were on me and patiently waited for a response.

"What's going on?" At the sound of Mrs Wright's voice, all of us turned our full attention to her.

"They're congratulating me, but I have no idea why?"

"Wait a minute," Bianca started.

"You haven't check your email?"

"No, I was busy with the meeting earlier on. Seriously guys what was that all about?"

"You're the new Deputy Accounting Manager!" Greg beamed at me.

I stared at him, a weird combination of emotions through my body: surprise, soaring joy and disbelief. "I beg your pardon?"

"Rach, look at this," Bianca gestured me towards her desk.

I walked over and read the email which announced that Jackson is promoted to Accounting Manager whereas I'm promoted to Deputy Accounting Manager.

"But, there wasn't a Deputy Accounting Manager position before," I murmured in confusion.

"That's correct. You must have impressed them during the interview," Mrs Wright replied with a proud smile.

"Aren't you happy?" Amelia questioned and lifted one eyebrow.

"I am! I just couldn't believe they'll create a new position for me... I'm not sure if.."

Bianca rolled her eyes and gave me a shake. "Stop over analysing everything, my dear friend. Let yourself be happy when you receive good news. All of us know how hard you've worked and this is exactly what you deserve. Smile more, worry less. Okay?"

I nodded as tears of joy filled my eyes. I looked around me and saw how everyone was happy for me. Well, Bianca had a point there. Elation wasn't my first reaction to the news. Instead, I doubted the authenticity of the email. I was afraid to be told that the upper management made a mistake.

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