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⭐ Zachary's POV ⭐

"Hey Dyl, how's baby Eli and Helen doing?" I propped my phone against my shoulder as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"They're doing great! Eli is driving Helen and I nuts with his feedings though. Waking up every 2 hours to get his milk," Dylan replied and I could hear baby Eli's cooing in the background.

"But you would not have it any other way."

"You're absolutely right about it. Hold on lemme turn this into a video call." Dylan's tired but happy face made a brief appearance on my phone before he turned his phone to show me baby Eli.

My lips automatically twitched up into a smile at the sight of baby Eli. His angelic face and slightly chubby cheeks filled up the screen of my phone.

"Eli, that's Uncle Zach," Dylan said softly.

"Hi, buddy." I gave a small wave and baby Eli made a lot of movements and gurgling sounds. "Are you being a good boy to mummy and daddy?" Baby Eli's face lit up and I could see a small smile on his cute face. As if he's trying to answer my question with a yes.

"So what's up?" Dylan asked as turned away his phone from baby Eli.

"I'm calling to check if you're able to find the things that I've requested for the other time."

"Oh yeah, sorry my bad for not giving you an update. To answer your question, yes I managed to settle all of them."

"Great! Thank you! I feel bad for asking you since I know how busy you are right now," I thanked Dylan with a sheepish smile.

"No worries, man. Helen will nag me for days if I don't help you," Dylan reassured me as he sat himself down on the sofa.

"Dylan honey, I heard my name. I sure hope you're saying something good about me."

"We're saying what a wonderful mum you are to Eli, sweetie," Dylan said and I had to stifle a laugh.

"I don't believe that's what you said but I'll take the compliment." Helen's reply earned a chuckle from Dylan and me.

"See you in 3 weeks, Dyl. I will definitely treat you and Jake to a great meal," I promised.

"You really don't have to, we-" Dylan was interrupted by Helen who took over his phone.

"That's what friends are for Zach, we help each other. Besides we're just as excited as you are. Hurry up and marry Rach so you can make some babies. We all know the both of you will make cute babies." Before I could even respond, Helen passed Dylan back his phone. Both Dylan and I just stare at each other blankly for a few seconds.

"Wow okay, I wouldn't exactly say what Helen had said. But she's right. Anyways, lemme know if you need anything else."

"Thanks and I will," I nodded with a smile.

As I slid into the interior of my car, I heard a soft ding from my phone indicating I have received a new message. It was a message from my mum.

Mum: Hey sweetie, I'm booking a flight to LA now, what's the date that you want us to fly over again?

I had to check the calendar on my phone before replying.

Zachary: Exactly 3 weeks from now

Mum: Will there be enough time for us to prepare?

Zachary: We'll have 3 days to prepare, I believe it's more than enough

Mum: Okay, I'll bring the item you've asked for. But do remind me a few days before our flight. Can't wait to see everyone 😘

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