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Harry: "What are you trying to tell me?"

Draco: "Half of other, full of life, one the image of the other, the other unknowing of all. When he wake in mind, another horcrux come aligned, with it come the destruction of wizardkind."

Draco: "The prophecy does not have to mean twins. "One the image of the other," you and I are more similar than I would have ever imagined. Both our mothers are Muggle-Borns, fathers are Pure-Bloods, making us Half-Bloods. We were born the same day, our parents were both part of the Order, and we all knew, even before you told me, you were supposed to be sorted into Slytherin but refused."

Draco: "I know what is happening. "When he wake in mind, another horcrux come aligned, with it come the destruction of wizardkind." I am now aware of my true past, of who I am. I am awake in mind. Therefore..."

Harry: "Part of him is inside of you, like he was in me."

Harry: "In your awakening Voldemort has returned, and you, sadly, have taken my once horrid place..."

Draco: "I do not want you to come find me. It is too dangerous. I should have never brought you into this, Potter."

Harry: "I will not let your life mirror mine. You cannot fight this alone. He will be much weaker now. We can do this."

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