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Albus walked into the house and looked around, no sight of his blond best friend. He looked all through the first floor, downstairs, and finally went upstairs when he heard the sound of his father and Hermione's voice below him. There were five doors, he slowly opened each one. One, nothing there. Two, nothing there. Three, nothing there. Four, nothing there. Albus felt something in his stomach clench. Where was his friend, his best mate? He held back a sob and went to the last door. It was locked.

Albus: "Odd," Albus whispered to himself quietly. Harry and Hermione were now just inches behind him. "Alohomora," he said again, since he had been the one to unlock the door to the mansion-house in the first place. The door barely cracked open this time. His heart was ready to explode when he finally pushed the door open to a small hallway, pictures of Astoria, Scorpius, and Draco plastering the walls. They really were such a loving family.

Harry: "This has to be her room. I read in The Daily Prophet that she died in her room, I just didn't know it was at this house."

Albus: "Dad!"

Harry: "Sorry," Harry murmured as Hermione gave him a death glare. Albus walked slowly, feet unsteady, heart even more unbalanced than usual, but before more tears streamed down his face he saw a blond boy, curled to his side on a canopy bed, crying.

Albus: "SCORPIUS!" The blond Slytherin turned momentarily. He could not believe it. It was Albus. "SCOR! I never thought I would find you!" Albus ran as fast as he could to his best friend's side, pausing for a moment, letting his emerald orbs crash into the grey ones he had missed so dearly, and pulled him to his chest. Both their breaths collapsed as soon as they held each other in a tight embrace. Harry turned to Hermione and let out a shallow gasp, he could not be more relieved. He had found Scorpius and fulfilled his promise both to his son and Draco.

Scorpius: "A-Al," Scorpius said through a shaky breath. Albus held his face between the palms of his hand, never straying from the silvery waters he had longed to see for days.

Albus: "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, don't ever leave my side again!" Albus' tone was harsh and rigid with an underlying sense of care.

Scorpius: "I will not, Albus Severus Potter," he laughed, hugging him again tighter. "How many times have we done this now?" Scor said, referring to all the other times they had hugged each other.

I'll Find You, Dray {A Drarry Story}Where stories live. Discover now