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Harry: "Tea?"

Hermione: "No, thank you," she smiled softly. "I think it's only the third time I come here. The first time it was very dirty, and you have decorated a lot since, and the other day I was too preoccupied to pay attention much."

Harry: "Yes, I found it too plain if not."

Hermione: "I'm happy we found Albus and Scorpius. They really seem to be the best of friends. I was really worried, at first."

Harry: "Gods, I'm relieved, too!"

Hermione: "And you and Albus-Albus and you-you seem to be doing well."

Harry: "Yes, that as well." They both leaned back into the couch and enjoyed each other's silence for a moment. They had always been good at that, understanding without words, especially one another. It was another reason they were so close, a reason they were like a brother and a sister.

Hermione: "But, Harry?"

Harry: "Yes?"

Hermione: "Most of all, I'm overjoyed that you seem to be doing better now. Ron and I were so worried about you-a-after Ginny-I-I was almost certain you would remain locked away in here forever and-"

Harry: "I know I scared you-"

Hermione: "Don't ever do that again! I was afraid I would come in here one day and you would be gone, lack of food or something. I can't even remember how many times I brought supper to your doorstep."

Harry: "I'm sorry that you had to make all those meals for me," Harry laughed. "I was extremely, am still extremely, grateful."

Hermione: "It was no problem. It's not like I would not be cooking if it was not for you," Hermione chuckled, not too sure if Harry understood. She decided to elaborate. "I mean living with Ron and all, I kind of have to be a built-in cook or fridge!"

The two laughed for hours about all of their memories, avoiding talking about Draco even if they should. It was almost midnight when Harry finally made Hermione some tea and sat back down beside her. She was now reading one of his Muggle books by a famous author named Shakespeare. The book was titled Romeo and Juliet.

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