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Harry, Ron, Neville, and Blaise walked through the door of Harry's flat. They had been able to completely transform the apartment with magic, making enough space for everyone. Ron and Hermione in one room, Neville and Luna in another, Blaise and Ginny in another, and Harry still on the couch.

Hermione: "We have great news!" All of them barely blinked, they had lost so much hope.

Hermione: "I swear, listen to us!" Hermione beamed, trying to change the sad mood of the others. 

Blaise: "I have had enough for one day, I need to go to Hogwarts and tell Scorpius, who has been crying all day, that I think everything will be okay, when I don't even think that myself!"

Hermione: "You're going to listen to me, Zabini! Already that Harry had to lose Ginny because of you, he isn't going to lose Draco because you want to give up!"

Blaise: "I-I," he said being cut off, a little confused about what the witch was saying. Why suddenly did Draco matter so much to Harry?

Hermione: "I get it, you didn't mean to break them up, but you're not going to be an obstacle again!"

Blaise: "Woah, calm down, Granger! I want to find Draco just as much as all of you! He was—is my best friend!" Harry looked around the room, scarlet cheeks. He could not believe how unsubtle 'Mione was being.

Hermione: "Then listen, all of you!"

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