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Harry: "D-Draco." Harry was out of breath, but he could not believe who was before him. "W-Why are you crying?" Draco looked down, eyes more and more full of tears, his old friend and old enemies surrounding him. He could not stop himself from the streams falling from his carmine cheekbones.

Draco: "Y-You're alive!" Harry laughed for a moment, a mixture of joy and sadness in his breath. "Y-You found our sons, y-you saved me, Potter!" Their eyes kept playing games with each other, lightening more the more they looked into each other's souls. 

Harry: "Not exactly, Voldemort, he-" Draco clutched his arm, feeling the very familiar sting of his dark mark. He yelled in pain as Luna screamed over to him.

Luna: "The prophecy doesn't work unless one half hates the other!" She smiled at her half-brother, she was a great seer, and fell to the ground.

Draco: "NOOOOO!" This could not be happening. Harry and Draco all at once saw Ginny, Blaise, Ron, Neville, and Hermione fall around them. Before them, a wispy fluster of green smoke spun before them, the creation of something evil awakening.

Harry: "Draco, take my hand!" The Slytherin made worried eyes. Why would Harry want his hand? What good would that do when their friends and his sister was falling before them? "Give me your hand!" he persisted. Draco gave his hand to Harry, their fingers interlocking, energy crossing their bodies like wildfire. Scarlet danced across both of their cheekbones.

Draco: "W-What are you doing?" All of the blond's breaths continuously caught in his throat. He had never felt such an urge to be close to someone. He had always wanted Harry. He just had not admitted it. They both had spent their lives pretending differently.

Harry: "Something I should've done a long time ago you git!" Harry grasped a handful of platinum hair behind Draco's neck and brushed his crimson lips to his. Their touch was faint, almost non-existent but it sent shivers down both of their spines.

Draco: "H-Harry," Draco barely articulated. "K-Kiss me for real."

The world was still spinning before them, evilness trying to be created before their eyes. Harry leaned in, pressing his lips fully to Draco's. He did not hesitate, he did not move away. He kissed him, he kissed him like it was the last thing he would ever do, and it maybe was. He kissed him through all of their memories, their hatred that was secret love. It was almost as if they needed the other in order to breathe. It had been too long, too many years of facades and fake realities. It was time now for something real. Their tongues collided in a redemption of all the time that had elapsed since their first encounter so many years ago, and their fingers trembled at the thought of a moment without the other from now on. They both had been kissed before but never like this, never in a way that was so life changing, so pure. Ginny and the others started to wake up around them, watching the spectacle of two men's love they already knew to be true. The green wisps of evil magic slowly faded in front of them, becoming less and less poignant, more and more translucent, until it finally ceased to exist itself, but they did not stop.

There were some things in the world far too beautiful to ever want to put an end to. This was one of them. Ginny looked at Blaise, they were both beyond happy for them. They had forever felt bad for their love, but now there was a certain peace to it all. Hermione and Ron felt a feeling of finality, the boy who lived, now the man who loved another man more than anything else in the world. Neville was just joyous that both of them could feel as fulfilled as he did with Luna. Oh, and Luna felt this rush of happiness consume her full. Harry, the only person to have truly understood her in her youth was going to get his happily ever after, after all the bad he went through. And Draco, her brother, was freed and in love, and that is all she could ever wish for in her wildest dreams, his happiness and a chance to get to know the man who everyone else had always misunderstood.

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