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Blaise ran up to the barricades in front of him, pushing and pulling at them, hoping they would open. He knew it was no use to try his magic. There was no way a simple Alohomora would open that cell.

Blaise: "We're coming to get you, Draco!"

Hermione: "Harry, Harry! Wake up!" Blaise could hear her words behind him.

Blaise: "He's not waking up?" the dark skinned wizard asked. Hermione began to sob as she she felt Ron's fingers on her shoulder.

Ron: "Harry!" he chocked through muffled breaths. "You can't die, not after everything! HARRY!" Ginny was still getting back on her feet when she saw Harry, laying there without motion.

Ginny: "HARRY!" Everyone was now sobbing. It was not the killing curse, but the darkest magic that any of them had ever seen had hit him straight through the heart. They all knew the chances, they knew how impossible his wake would be.

I'll Find You, Dray {A Drarry Story}Where stories live. Discover now