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Draco began to have tears seeing Harry, the man who was so keen on saving him, the man that he had secretly also desired for so long, lifeless. He could not just lay there. He had to get up, to face him, to look in those emerald eyes of his once and for all.

Draco: "Get me out of here!" It was the first time the blond's voice was so loud. He had found a burning strength within himself. Hermione got up and went to the gates.

Hermione: "If there's a way in, there's a way out!"

Draco: "Granger, quickly!"

Hermione: "Lumos," she whispered seeing a very white light flicker at the end of her wand. She moved her hand around the door, trying to see an imperfection, anything of use, but there was nothing.

Draco: "Come on!"

Hermione: "REDUCTO!" she screamed, trying to break the cage-like difference between them. Once again, not even the slightest movement occured. Draco was still locked.

Draco: "Granger!"

Hermione: "I am trying!" she cried out. "PRIORI INCANTATO!" The spell made an echo of all previous spells used. At first she heard her own spells being recited, Reducto and Lumos. She then waited until she heard a very faint sound, the sound of a spell she had never heard, Otreba. "OTREBA!" she exclaimed as she saw the door open slightly.

Ginny: "It is never that easy, 'Mione!" It has to be a trap!" But before Ginny could say another word Hermione was pushed into the chamber as the door locked behind her. Draco and her were now stuck. "WATCH OUT!" the redhead yelled as she saw the one remaining Death Eater come up behind the pair.

Hermione: "That is odd. I am supposed to have heard all spells!" The witch remained calm despite the figure that kept approaching her. She looked down at her wand, her magic was still working. She assumed Draco 's wand had been taken or he had been tortured too much. Hermione kept thinking, how was it possible that she had not heard all the spells used, only one other that was not hers. "Lumos," she whispered, but no light flickered this time at the end of her wand. She was confused, she had to figure this out quickly. She knew her and Draco did not have long. Hermione touched the vine like texture of her wand, she could feel the magic pulsing through her veins.

Unknown Death Eater: "ARVADEK ADAVA!" she screamed. Hermione had never heard the curse but quickly recognized the green wisp of light that came with it.

Hermione: "DRACO WATCH OUT!" The killing curse was the only spell characterized by such a poignant green light. Hermione thought for a moment, Avada Kedavra-Arvadek Adava. "DRACO, ALL THE SPELLS ARE BACKWARDS IN THIS ROOM! THAT'S WHY WE THOUGHT WE HAD NO MAGIC!" The others watched, Ginny and Luna kneeled beside Harry, and Neville ,Blaise, and Ron beside the locked doors. They recited as many spells as they could but nothing worked. Their magic only worked on the outside or if they would have been locked in with them. Blaise ran to the door uttering the same spell than Hermione, but this time the door did not unlock.

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