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In a distance Draco could see what was happening, he could see Harry waddled up on the ground. With the last bit of strength he had, he tried crawling over to him.

Draco: "P-Potter," he spoke through a very shallow breath, but he was too weak. The others did everything they could to fight them off, but it was harder than it seemed. The Death Eaters were using dark magic, something they could not. It was no longer the war, it had been years. Their right to use the three forbidden spells was now over.

Unknown Death Eater: "CRUCIO!" he yelled as Ginny fell to the ground.

Blaise: "NOO!" Blaise screamed. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Neville closed his eyes for a moment, knowing very well that just maybe the Slytherin had confirmed his place in prison for life. He sighed, Blaise and him had become close recently. He wanted his best, he wanted him to have a full happy life. Neville wondered how understanding the Ministry would be. There was still three dark wizards left, one after the other falling from Blaise's furry, all except for one.

Ginny: "STOP! I'M OKAY, LOVE!" Her words were all a little too late. Three of the four Death Eaters laid on the cement floor, dead. There was only one left, hidden behind some dark hallway or maybe had run off, far, far away from this place if he was smart enough.

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