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Harry: "He could not. I saw the way he looked at Astoria."

Harry: "Their wedding photos were all over The Daily Prophet."

Hermione: "Oh, you and your Prophet!"

Hermione: "Even I don't read all the news stories."

Harry: "It was on the front page for a week!" Harry said. The raven-haired wizard thought to himself for an instant, maybe nobody really reads the Prophet, or not as much as he had first thought. If the reader witch that was beside him did not, that had to mean something. Hermione sighed at her best friend stuck in his own mind once more.

Hermione: "Just how you truly loved Ginny, it doesn't mean Malfoy didn't feel the same about Astoria—that he loved her."

Harry: "Hermione, we're talking about Draco Malfoy."

Hermione: "Exactly, the boy who teased you every chance he could get!"

Harry: "Look, he hates me..."

Hermione: "Even Ron didn't tease me that much! I have never seen anyone, in my whole life, put so much effort just so they could capture someone else's attention."

Hermione: "If that's not love, I don't know what is!"

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