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It had been just over two days when Harry and Hermione had set up a tent in the middle of the Lumas Forest located just 100 kilometers from the Ministry. They were both tired, hungry, and dirty from all the searching. They had went every place they thought they could have possibly found any of them.

Harry: "Hermione?" Her brownish gold eyes peaked up at the man's emerald one's. "Why have you always stayed with me, no matter what happened, despite all the danger I have put you in over the years?"

Hermione: "What are friends for, if not to support one another?"

Harry: "Yes, but why—why am I your friend? What do you see in me?"

Hermione: "Do not be so thick," she giggled, but, then, she realised the truthfulness in his tone. "Harry you're great. You have always stuck up for me when others would not, protected me like a sister, cared unconditionally without expecting anything in return. You have never abandoned me, and I can't even say the same for Ron. You have made me laugh when I wanted to cry—you're so pure, Harry Potter. You were raised loveless and came out with one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen." Harry let another tear stream down his face, he felt like he was crying a lot recently. He remembered Draco's words, "they are not you. They are not good."

Harry: "Hermione, what would I possibly do without you?" He pressed his fingertips into her ribs. They both laughed for a moment, forgetting their pain.

Hermione: "You know Harry, Albus and you are a lot more alike than you think. Lily and James act like Ginny, but you—you and Albus you're like two peas in a pod." Harry raised a bushy eyebrow.

Harry: "Two peas in a pod?"

Hermione: "It means you both are very much alike." Harry laughed to himself. He had heard this for the second time now in such a short amount of time.

Harry: "Do you think he will ever forgive me?"

Albus: "I will," a small voice said from behind them. Hermione and Harry turned around instantaneously.

Harry: "SON!" Harry gasped open mouthed as he stood up and ran to Albus. His feet were so fast they barely had time to touch the ground.

They both held each other in a tight hug. They did not move, not even flinch. The whole world was paused, their differences at bay.

I'll Find You, Dray {A Drarry Story}Where stories live. Discover now