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***Appare Vestigium: Tracking spell that “materialises as a swirl of gold” and shows “traces of recent magical activity.” Used in both Fantastic Beasts  movies. I am changing it a little bit.
Distancio: To track distance and close whereabouts.***

Hermione took out a clean shirt and let the watch fall onto it. Albus and Harry looked at her, waiting to see her next move.

Hermione: "Appare Vestigium," Hermione spoke softly.  Albus turned to Harry, confused by the spell, he had never heard it before.  Harry sighed, neither had he—looks like Hermione really always would remain the brightest witch of her age.

Hermione: "Shhh, I need to concentrate, I can't if you're both eyeing me like a hippogriff." Her pointer finger was pointed up to her soft pink lips. "Appare Vestigium," she said this time much more sternly. Swirls of wispy gold smoke fluttered around Astoria's watch in every direction. Albus and Harry looked completly bewildered by this time, uncertain how one individual could be so bright.

Hermione: "Don't look at me; it's the great Newt Scamander who came up with these spells."

Harry: "These?"

Hermione: "Distancio!" The gold smoke slowly made a somewhat precise line as numbers appeared in the air. "2105 kilometers, Austria," Hermione voiced.

Harry: "Scorpius is in Austria?" The raven-haired man seemed hopeless. He knew it could not be accurate.

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