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Hermione opened Luna's response the next morning as she drank her coffee. She wondered how Luna was going to react to the situation presented to her. They had never been close, but she wished she had been nicer with her over the years.

Ron and Hermione had slept in Harry's bed. He wanted them to have their own space. Harry had slept on the couch and was now waking up slowly.

Harry: "H-Hey," he said through a tired voice.

Hermione: "Good Morning!"

Harry: "So, am I going to have to clean my sheets?" Harry asked as he saw Ron coming to the kitchen in a pair of boxers. Hermione's face became crimson red. She held herself against the counter, a little worried she would stumble if not, Ron too far to hear anything. "I am just kidding, 'Mione!" Harry felt guilt after seeing her reaction.

Ron: "Good Morning," Ron smiled a little too brightly.

Harry: "I'm going to take that as a yes!"

Hermione: "U-Uh," Hermione stuttered. She could barely speak. "A-Ah Luna answered," she mumbled.

Ron: "She did? What did she say, love?"

Harry: "Tell us."

Hermione: "She will be here in two days. She is all the way in British Columbia finding a new creature called a Filekeur."

Harry: "What's that?"

Ron: "Mate, it's Luna, we can never be too sure with her!"

Harry: "Remember the Thestrals? She wasn't wrong about that! I saw them and so did everyone after the war!" Harry felt a little bit of anger boil inside of him. Luna was another sister to him, like Hermione, he felt the need to protect her, especially knowing she was not as loony as people made her out to be. It also helped that she was not just a close friend anymore, but also the man he loved's sister.

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