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Minerva smiled at the four of them as they walked into school, giving hugs to Hermione and Harry, and telling Scorpius and Albus they better never leave again. She turned back into her office with Hermione to discuss a position as a teacher for Potions and left both Potters and the Malfoy alone.

Harry: "Not just yet!" Harry touched Albus' shoulder, before he could go back to the Slytherin dungeons, and turned him around, bringing him in a corridor where they could have a private conversation. Albus' eyes shot up to Harry's, their orbs both an endless field of pine trees.

Harry: "I know, son, you're mad at me because of Ginny. You wanted me to try harder—"

Albus: "Dad, it's—"

Harry: "I promised if I had a child sorted into Slytherin I would treat them the same way as if I didn't. I'm sorry, I let you down."

Albus: "It's okay."

Harry: "No, someone told me recently, actually two someones told me, that you and I were more alike than I first thought. He and she were right, we are. I see myself in you, and that is why I- I treated you badly. I saw me in another life. I'm sorry, Albus!"

Albus: "I love you," Al said as he hugged his father. "I promise I will write at least three times a week." The young wizard let go of his father and smiled, turning away. Harry watched his son run up to his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy, and grinned. He was lucky to have a son that would not go through the same troubles than he, that he—his son—could be friends with who he wanted—Pure-Blood, Muggle-Born, Malfoy all the same.

Harry: "I love you, too." He knew he could not hear him, but he said it anyway, as a reminder to himself of just how truly grateful he was to have such an extraordinary little boy, even though, he was not so little any more.

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