Part 3

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The fox woke in the middle of the night to unknown surroundings. The room smelled all strange and it was warm and soft - nothing she was used to at all. She began to panic, her heart beating wildly in her chest as her breathing became erratic and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She sat up suddenly and scrambled toward the edge of the bed, gasping for breath as her vision darkened when suddenly a lamp clicked on and she nearly screamed, slipping to the floor in shock.

"Hey! Quiet down, you'll wake them up," Jungkook whispered loudly, glaring down at her. "Why are you breathing so loud, you - oh," he said, his voice softening in surprise as he took in the terrified look in her eyes and the way she was gasping. "Hey," he said soothingly, slipping to his knees in front of her on the floor. "It's okay, shh. Take a deep breath." She struggled to do as he said, her eyes widening in fear. "Okay, breath with me - in first then out alright, focus on my breath and do the same thing as me," he said, sucking a deep breath in, exaggerating the sound as he did so and holding it for one second before exhaling just as slowly and loudly.

She did her best to imitate him and they breathed together like that for several moments until she was able to match his breath and her heart beat quieted and her eyes calmed. Then he stood quickly, leaving her to scramble back into the bed on her own. He clicked the lamp back off and headed for the door but she called out to him.

"J-Jungkook-" she said, the name feeling foreign on her tongue having never said it before. He paused, listening. "Thank you," she mumbled shyly.

"It's okay. I get scared sometimes too," he said before walking from the room and back to his. She fell asleep again quickly, burrowing into the blankets contently.


Namjoon peeked in the room in the morning, checking to see her still snuggled in the bed, and backed away silently, heading down to the kitchen where Jin was serving Jungkook breakfast.

"Morning babe," Namjoon said, kissing Jin on the cheek and then ruffling Jungkook's hair. "And you too bun. What should I do Jinnie, should I wake her up or let her sleep?"

"Let her sleep," Jungkook said, his mouth full. The other two blinked over at him curiously. He blushed at their sudden gazes and looked down at his breakfast, swallowing before explaining. "She had a panic attack in the middle of the night - she's probably tired," he said shyly.

"Oh - Kookie did she wake you up?"

"Kinda...her heart got really loud and fast all of the sudden so I went to see what was wrong," he said with a shrug. The older men glanced at each other but decided not to comment on it further.

"I don't know Joonie...she doesn't really seem to like me, I don't think you should leave without at least telling her you're going," Jin said uncertainly.

"She doesn't not like you, she's just scared," Namjoon said.

"Let's ask our resident hybrid expert shall we? Kook, is she scared or does she not like me?" Jin asked, hands on his hips.

"Both," Jungkook replied, his mouth full again. "She doesn't like me either. So I guess maybe you should tell her you're leaving hyung, so she isn't too scared when she wakes up and it's just me and Seokjin hyung."

Namjoon sighed but nodded, heading for the stairs. He opened the door slowly when he reached the guest room.

"Little one?" He called softly into the room.

"Oppa?" She replied sleepily, pulling the blankets back from her face and yawning.

"Good morning love," he said fondly, crossing the room to sit on the edge of the bed next to her. Her hair was mussed and her ears were cocked cutely, her eyes puffy and half lidded with sleep. He ruffled her ears like he always did with Jungkook and she leaned into his hand, whining happily at the touch. "I have to go to work, but Jin and Kookie will both be home with you all day, okay? Would you like to sleep some more, or would you like to go downstairs and have breakfast?" He asked her. Her stomach rumbled loudly, answering for him and he stood with a smile. "Alright then, head down there and Jin will make sure you eat," he said, stepping toward the door as he was now running late.

"Wait!" She said quietly but urgently, scooting to the edge of the bed. "W-walk down with me oppa," she begged, standing slowly on her sore ankle and pouting at him. He smiled and crossed the room, reaching his hand for hers to support her as she limped across the room. He couldn't believe how quickly she had wrapped him around her finger. He led her downstairs and helped her sit at the table, waving to everyone as he quickly ducked out the door, giving her ears one last ruffle that made her smile shyly and Jungkook glare jealously.

As soon as Namjoon was out the door she began to fidget nervously, her eyes flitting around the room as Jin plated some breakfast for her. She flinched when he set the food in front of her and wouldn't make eye contact with either of them as she ate. When she was finished she sat silently at the table as Jungkook cleaned up.

"So...little one," Jin began uncertainly, and her ears twitched, her eyes cast down to the table.

"Yes master Seokjin," she said softly. Jungkook let the plate he was washing clatter from his hands into the sink as he turned to look at her, her ears twitching again as she winced at the noise. Jin's mouth was hanging open in surprise as well.

"Sweetheart - you don't need to call me master. Just Seokjin is fine," he said quickly, waving his hands. She ducked her head, nodding slightly.

"I'm sorry Seokjin. What - what would you like me to do for you today?" She asked in the same soft voice.

"Oh - well I don't need anything from you, I was just going to ask you what you would like to do today," he said awkwardly. She finally looked up at him, confusion on her face. "Why don't you play with Jungkook?" He suggested.

"Hyuuuung," Jungkook whined, draining the water and drying his hands.

Seokjin shot him a meaningful look though and he slumped his shoulders, nodding.

"Come on little fox," he grumbled, pouting as he shuffled from the room. She stood nervously and followed him, bowing slightly to Seokjin as she left the room and scurried after the rabbit.

Seokjin was left alone in the kitchen frowning deeply. Where had this little fox come from and what had they done to her there?

 Where had this little fox come from and what had they done to her there?

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