Part 53

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The next morning the fox stirred sleepily, uncertain at first when she opened her eyes before she realized she was in Jungkook's bed instead of hers, his strong arms around her and his face relaxed cutely in sleep, cheeks puffy and dark hair falling across his forehead. One of his long black ears lay over his eyes and she smiled, reaching softly to trail a finger down it until it twitched out of the way. Jungkook yawned big and blinked his eyes open slowly.

"Good morning baby," he murmured, his voice sleepy and sticky. She blinked happily, stretching her arms over her head. Then she winced, her face scrunching in momentary discomfort. Jungkook frowned. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, pulling back a little to look at her better.

"Nothing, I'm just a little sore," she mumbled, smiling at him again. Her stomach rumbled loudly. "And hungry," she said, blushing. Jungkook giggled.

"Well let's get dressed and go downstairs then, we have to face Jin hyung at some point," he mumbled, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head. Then he froze. "Um, you don't think...that he told Namjoon hyung, do you?" He asked, looking down at her. Her face lit up.

"Oppa! I miss him," she said, not answering Jungkook's question as she scurried out of the bed. He sighed, watching as she grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and glanced back at him cheekily as she pulled them on. He smiled watching her, propping himself up on his elbow as she reached for her T-shirt from the day before, pulling it over her head. When she had dressed, her gaze fell to something in the corner of the room and she tilted her head, stepping toward it slowly.

Jungkook's eyes flew wide as he watched her approaching his easel. He had it situated so the canvas faced the wall and he didn't stop her, just swallowing heavily and sitting up, grabbing another pair of sweatpants and tugging them on as she slowly moved around the easel to see the art leaning on it. He held his breath as he watched her eyes slide over the painting, widening with every second, her mouth falling open.

"It - it's me," she breathed, raising a hand as if she would touch the painting but then pulling it back, just staring in wonder. "It looks so real," she whispered. Then she looked up, her eyes finding Jungkook's. He was watching her nervously, chewing his lip as he waited for her reaction.

"Do you like it?" He asked, stepping closer. He grabbed the easel and turned it around so she could see it better, slipping his arm around her waist as she continued to stare at the painting. In it, an orange eared, chestnut haired fox hybrid was standing in a field of tall green grass, her eyes big and pretty as she looked out of the painting like she was gazing at the viewer. Her long hair billowed around her as if being blown in the wind and the fox could swear it was actually moving, like she could really feel the breeze.

"Jungkook it''s so beautiful," she breathed, her eyes wide and lips still parted in awe. Jungkook blushed and tightened his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"It helps that the subject is so beautiful," he murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of her throat. He inhaled against her skin, letting the way their scents mingled together after yesterday wash over him. He nosed at her collar and then kissed her skin again, letting his mouth linger and she sighed softly against him.

"You really are - so talented - ah," she said, gasping slightly when his teeth scraped her throat. "We should go downstairs," she said, pushing against him.

Jungkook let out a little growl though and held onto her tighter, his tongue passing over her throat, itching to mark her again. He needed the world to know she was his, that primal possessive urge to mark what belonged to him so strong after the day before. Her sweet voice interrupted him though, her hand coming up to rest lightly on the back of his head.

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