Part 30

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You awoke lying on a hard mattress on your stomach. Everything hurt. Your insides still tingled and burned from the aftereffects of the injections and your body - when you shifted you felt the damage to your back and your sore muscles from clenching against the pain. Your arms lay limply at your sides. You whimpered softly in pain.

You heard someone click their tongue. You kept your eyes closed, steeling yourself. "Finally you're awake, I was getting very bored," Dr. Yoon's pretty voice said from behind you. "You know while you were gone I spent every waking moment working on the serum so that when you got back it would be perfect. And now that you're here I just want to see if it worked or not."

You tentatively shifted on the bed, wincing when you felt the sting of your back. "Jeonghan my back hurts," you said, making your voice as small and pitiful as you could muster. He sighed and you heard his footsteps retreating across the room. He called for someone and an orderly entered, coming to the bed to tend to your wounds. Dr. Yoon was perfectly capable of doing it. But his touches only inflicted pain, never prevented. Never healed.

"Yes well. You stopped counting after thirty and I got bored," he sighed. "Although the last time you stopped counting at twenty, so you've really improved your pain tolerance fox. I'm so proud."

Tears came to your eyes. You could endure more now because your body had become stronger while you lived with the boys. They had fed you well and cared for you and let you rest and you weren't the frail little fox you had been when you ran from here to begin with. And you didn't want to be that helpless creature anymore.

"Say thank you," Dr. Yoon suddenly snapped, his countenance changing so quickly it shocked even you, who had known him for so long.

"Th-thank you Jeonghan," you replied.

"That's my girl," he purred. You hissed in pain as you turned your head to look at him as the orderly finished up what she was doing to your back. He tilted his head and smiled at you. Your eyes slid over his pretty face and you blinked slowly. How had he ended up like this? He was a hybrid after all. Why was he torturing you in this way.

"Jeonghan?" You asked hesitantly.

"What is it pet?" He replied, a smile behind his voice.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked the question innocently rather than as an accusation - genuine curiosity behind your words as you looked up at him.

He chuckled darkly. "You know fox, I don't know if anyone has ever actually asked me that. Not in the way I see that you mean it. So I'll tell you." He turned to the orderly. "Get out," he said and she hurried to obey. He walked slowly toward the bed and reached down, grasping your hand.

Your back was now bandaged beneath the loose shirt you wore and he helped you sit up, then sat in a chair next to the bed, leaning toward you. There was a small smile on his lips but his eyes were dark and empty and you felt a twinge of sadness when you wondered how beautiful he would have been if he were happy.

"You see fox. There are a few too many humans on this planet. And most of them are garbage. I mean...just look at the way they treat us," he said. "Humans don't care about hybrids. They use us, they discard us, they move on. They hurt us and they hate us. We need more hybrids. Better hybrids. We need to surpass the humans so we can get rid of them. So that's why I had the idea of breeding inter species. Imagine a hybrid with the brain of a fox but the body of a bear," he said, his eyes sparkling dangerously. "We could rid the world of them altogether."

You frowned at his words. "But Jeonghan...humans aren't all bad," you said to him, your voice soft and clear. "Humans are good. They consider us the same as them. Some humans care about hybrids," you told him, the memory of Namjoon picking you up and taking you home washing over you. He didn't know anything about you and yet he still took you into his house and cared for you. Your eyes welled with tears. You missed him so much. "Some humans love hybrids."

Dr. Yoon laughed loudly, his cold eyes wide as he shook his head in disbelief. "Where did you get that idea? Humans hate us. They think we're an abomination. Do you know what was done to me by humans?" He asked softly, tilting his head to the side.

You felt a surge of bravery as you looked at his perfect face, the only imperfection in his appearance the notch out of his striped ear. He didn't deserve your pity or your validation. "Was it worse than what you're doing to me?" You asked him in a low voice, anger burning behind your eyes. There was a loud slap and you gasped as his hand collided with your cheek, snapping your head to the side. You brought your own hand up to cover the stinging flesh of your cheek, your eyes watering immediately.

"How dare you speak to me that way," he spat, standing up quickly. "Do you want another round?" He demanded, gesturing to your back. You flinched at the idea, the movement making your still freshly wounded back sting.

"N-no Jeonghan," you whispered, all the fight gone out of you with his slap.

"What was that?" He snarled, gripping your chin and forcing you to look up at him, his long tail swishing angrily behind him.

"No Jeonghan, I'm sorry," you repeated, more clearly.

"That's my girl. Get some rest, you should expect your heat in a couple of days and I want you to be ready. Understand?"

"Yes Jeonghan," you replied, laying down carefully on your side and pressing your eyes closed. Your cheek still stung, but you knew Jungkook would have been proud of you for talking back to him anyway.


Namjoon drove slowly along the country road, hugging the curve of the forest, his tired eyes searching for an access road. He saw a break in the trees and slowed, turning onto a small dirt trail that looked like it was decently well used. His heart began to race with excitement and nerves as he drove slowly along the bumpy path, trees close on both sides. After a few hundred yards the trees suddenly cleared and a building came into view. It was large and industrial looking with a chain link fence surrounding it. Namjoon began to panic when he realized there was a guard post with a man standing outside of it just ahead of him. He drove toward it cautiously, rolling down his window.

"Oh - hello," he began, putting on a falsely cheery and confused voice. "I seem to have lost my way. I was looking for a hiking trail..." the man was just staring darkly at him though, blinking slowly. "I just need to turn around," Namjoon said nervously. The man nodded and gestured for him to do so. Namjoon's rolled up his window and slowly pulled his car in a u-turn, his eyes taking in every detail he could before he drove away, racing home.

He burst through the door, shouting for Jungkook and Seokjin and barreling up the stairs. He found the pair of them stretched out on his bed, Seokjin tucked beneath the blankets and Jungkook lying on top of them next to his hyung. He looked at them softly for a moment, wishing he could let them sleep. But then he cleared his throat, calling their names. Jungkook, a heavy sleeper, didn't stir at first while Seokjin blinked his eyes open, stretching and looking up at Namjoon.

"Hey babe," he said softly, looking at the man. "What is it?"

"Jinnie - I found it. I found her."

Jungkook's ears twitched and his eyes opened. "Hyung, you found her?" He asked sleepily, his eyes big and hopeful.

Namjoon smiled and scratched the bunny's long ears softly. "That's right bun. We're gonna get her back."

"How?" Seokjin asked, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes.

"I have a plan're not gonna like it," Namjoon said, his eyes flitting from Seokjin to Jungkook's long bunny ears.


I really didn't mean to drag her being away from them out for so long - sorry!

Thanks for reading 🖤

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