Part 43

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They picked up little one's phone and were heading over to the bakery all together in the car. Jungkook scooted close to the fox in the back seat, showing her how to use the device. He was acutely aware of how close she leaned to him, her shoulder brushing his as she peered down at the phone in his hand. He tried not to inhale too deeply. Her smell wasn't intoxicating like when she was in her heat - but it was still nice now that she had been out of the facility for a while.

She used vanilla scented shampoo and when it mixed with her smell Jungkook loved it. Sometimes when he was close to her like this and his own scent mingled with hers, he...Jungkook blinked quickly and pulled back, taking a shallow breath from his side of the car. She glanced up at him and he just passed her the phone quickly.

"Um. I think you get it, just let me know if you have questions," he said, putting his hands between his knees and looking away from her. She frowned but then scooted back in a little closer to him, the phone in her hand.

"But Jungkookie-" but then Seokjin put the car in park and glanced back at them.

"Ready guys?" He asked. The fox broke into a grin and hopped quickly out of the car, Jungkook sighing and exited as well. Little one hurried over to Namjoon, chatting excitedly with him and grabbing his hand, practically dragging him toward the bakery. He grinned and laughed along with her, letting her lead him. Jungkook hung back and waited for Seokjin, walking more slowly with his owner, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"What's really going on Jungkook?" Seokjin asked him as they followed the others.

"It's just that...before little one got taken, we were getting really close, you know? And I told her...I told her she was mine and I was hers. But then they took her away and she was gone and when I came she was in heat and we kissed and then...things were messy and awkward and," he sighed and hung his head. "She met this other bunny and I'm afraid we're drifting apart. What if she doesn't need me anymore?"

Seokjin just chuckled and rolled his eyes. They had reached the door to the bakery and were paused outside it, finishing their conversation before going in.

"Listen Kook. She'll always need you. I'm not going to tell you she feels the same as you do, because she hasn't explicitly told me so I can't be sure. But - who does she look to the second she's uncomfortable? Who does she call for when she wakes up from a nightmare? Not me. Not Namjoon. You. Just think about that Kookie. Don't give up on her yet," the man said, clasping Jungkook's shoulder briefly before going into the bakery.

Jungkook took a breath and squared his shoulders. Seokjin was right. He was the one little one always turned to. He pushed through the door and his resolve instantly shattered when he saw his family standing with Bobby's, Namjoon was shaking the bunny's hand and smiling and little one was giggling excitedly while Seokjin nodded politely. Instead of approaching them Jungkook sulked over to the counter where Jimin stood, his gray ears poking out from hair that was now a peachy color, his tail swishing behind him.

"What's going on over there Kook?" The cat asked, indicating the little meeting.

Jungkook pouted. "Little one is introducing my hyungs to her new friend. Bet he'll steal them too."

"Who, Bobby? I like that guy," Jimin said, looking over at them. "He makes me want to try purple hair." Jungkook scowled and Jimin broke off, rolling his eyes and raising his hands. "Kook, you've GOT to chill. There is room for more than one bunny around here. And look," he said, nodding toward the group.

Jungkook stood up straight and looked over to see that little one was looking around, her face creased with worry.

"She's trying to find you, idiot, get over there," Jimin said, giving the bunny a little push. Jungkook grumbled at the cat but headed over to them shyly. The fox looked like she was a little overwhelmed with all the people - although she liked all of them there were still a lot. But then her eyes found Jungkook and she seemed to relax a bit and he couldn't help but swell with a tiny bit of pride, remembering what Seokjin had told him. He pushed through between Namjoon and Seokjin to reach her side and touched her arm softly, looking down into her eyes.

"You okay fox?" He asked her quietly. "You're safe here, you know that."

She blinked up at him, her eyes huge and trusting and she relaxed, nodding.

"I'm okay Jungkookie," she said. He smiled down at her, his bunny teeth showing cutely. Only to be interrupted by another bunny.

"Hi Jungkook!" Bobby said, stepping up next to them. His soft gray ears folded over his head on either side, flopping down and then back up at the noise in the crowded cafe. "There's no where for us to sit all together so Hanbin is gonna sit with Namjoon and Seokjin," he said. "And the four of us can sit together!"

Jungkook glanced uneasily at the large panther hybrid that Jungkook indicated over his shoulder. Ju-ne's dark brow and deep eyes were surveying the room carefully. Something about him made Jungkook nervous. Maybe it was the fact that Ju-ne was so much bigger than him, or maybe it was the fact that he was a real predator species, but Jungkook couldn't help but shrink toward his own predator a little when the panther's eyes fell on him. Ju-ne smirked.

"Scaredy bunny," he teased in his deep, melodic voice, having sensed Jungkook's discomfort.

Bobby looked between them and giggled, stepping toward his brother. "What's the matter Kook? Ju-ne likes bunnies!" He said. Little one giggled as well, and Jungkook looked at her, feeling betrayed. She just smiled easily though and shook her head, grabbing his wrist and tugging him toward a booth. The others followed and the boys all sat down.

"Oh! Let me go get our breakfasts!" The fox said, leaving Jungkook sitting alone with the other two.

She skipped up toward the counter where Jimin stood and began to speak to him, presumably ordering. Jungkook sat awkwardly, not knowing what to say to the others and wishing that Taehyung or someone was there with him, and that the fox would hurry.

"So, scaredy bunny," Ju-ne began, grinning slyly at Jungkook.

"Don't call me that," he pouted uneasily, annoyed but also a little afraid.

"Whatever. What is little one's deal?" The panther asked, leaning on his elbows across the table toward Jungkook.

"Wh-what do you mean by that?" Jungkook replied, suddenly feeling deeply protective.

"Bobby all but confessed to her the other day and she didn't even seem to notice. Is pretending she doesn't realize he likes her her way of saying no or what?" Ju-ne was raising an eyebrow, leaning back in his seat now. Bobby was blushing, hiding behind his ears at his brother's words.

"Ju-ne," he whined. "I didn't confess, I just-"

A loud rushing in Jungkook's ears blocked out the rest of what Bobby was saying as his heart began to race, anger heating him at the panther's words. His hands curled into fists. He could feel his blood boiling beneath his skin at the teasing words from the panther and the bunny's obvious interest in his little one - but just before he was about to blow his top she returned, smiling sweetly.

"Here Jungkookie," her voice said, cutting clearly through his blinding anger. He tore his eyes away from the pair of males across from him and looked up at her, her big eyes and pretty lips smiling down at him a she held out a hot chocolate. "Extra marshmallows," she said, grinning.

He felt himself cooling off as he accepted the beverage and she passed everything else around, before sitting down next to him. Jungkook stared at the table to keep himself from glaring at the panther across from him.


When they all left to head home, Jungkook and little one following behind Namjoon and Seokjin as they headed toward the car she stopped him, tugging on his sleeve.

"Jungkookie are you okay? You seem so off today," she said, frowning.

Jungkook wanted to tell her everything - that he was afraid of loosing her to the other bunny, that he felt intimidated by those cool hybrids, that Bobby had a crush on her and he was afraid she would like him back, that Ju-ne thought something was wrong with her and there wasn't, there was nothing, she was perfect. But instead he just reached for her hand and took it in his, giving her a half smile.

"I'm okay fox. As long as you're here I'll be fine," he told her.

"I'll always be here," she replied, beaming.

"I hope so," Jungkook said.

Bunny Baby : jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now