Part 6

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The fox woke snuggled in the bed the next morning, again with no memory of how she got there. Oppa must have carried her. She smiled to herself at the thought. She had never met a human as kind and gentle as him. She cocked an ear, listening to sounds from downstairs and slipped slowly out of bed, padding toward the kitchen. Seokjin stood at the stove, making breakfast and humming softly. His hair was messy from sleep and he wore an oversized shirt that hung from his broad shoulders over sweatpants.

"Good morning Seokjin," she said in a small voice from the doorway, making him shout and clutch his chest in surprise.

"Oh, little one. You startled me," he said, shaking his head. Her ears had flattened and her tail had bushed out behind her at the noise of his yell and her big eyes were wide and startled.

"I'm sorry Seokjin! Can I help you with breakfast?" She asked, bravely stepping into the room.

"No sweetheart you don't need to help, you're a guest here," he said, smiling at her as he turned back to the stove. She stood planted in place, frowning at his back. A guest? Namjoon entered the kitchen moments later, reaching out absentmindedly to ruffle her ears, his gentle touch making her close her eyes briefly in contentment.

"Good morning little one. Morning Jinnie."

"Oppa," she began, and he turned at the question in her voice, resting his hand on her head as she peered up at him.

"What is it love?" He asked, smiling down at her.

"Am I a guest?"

Namjoon frowned, glancing over at Jin who was looking at the two of them from the stove, the same general question reflected on his face as well.

"Well little one...we haven't discussed it as a family yet...but for now you are a guest," he said, smiling sadly at her.

"Oh," she replied, wilting slightly, her ears drooping as she backed away from his hand and went to sit at the table. He sighed, looking pleadingly at Seokjin who just turned back to the stove, frowning.

Jungkook came bounding into the room, greeting the men happily and mostly ignoring the fox who was staring hard at her lap. She picked at her food and when everyone was finished she retreated back to the guest room quietly. Namjoon sighed and ran his hands over his face.

"Guys...I want her to stay here. She has nowhere else to go, she needs us and-"

"No!" Jungkook cut him off with a shout, looking at him with wide eyes. "I don't want her to stay here!"

"Well it isn't really your decision bun," Namjoon said, frowning. "I wanted to run it by you both, but I'm thinking of adopting her in my name." Jungkook set his jaw and crossed his arms over his chest, throwing himself back into his chair and seething quietly.

"Do you really want to keep her Joonie?" Seokjin asked quietly, looking at him from across the table.

"I do Jin - please," he asked softly, raising his eyes at the older man. Seokjin swallowed. Namjoon never asked him for anything, so how could he deny him this? He looked at his hybrid, the boy staring daggers at him. He knew Jungkook would expect him to side with him as they had known each other for so long, but Namjoon looked so hopeful and sad and she was so helpless and sweet that he couldn't say no.

"Alright. I guess this is a two hybrid household then," he said, smiling.

"Awhhhhh," Jungkook whined, standing and storming from the room. They heard his steps echoing all the way up to his room where he slammed the door loudly. Namjoon looked after him with a pained expression but Seokjin just chuckled, standing to cross the table and brush his fingers over Namjoon's forehead gently.

"Don't worry about that little brat, he'll be fine. If she's staying you had better take her shopping - she can't wear that hoodie of yours forever."

"Oh yeah - I guess you're right. I'll pick something up for Kook while I'm out, maybe I can bribe him into not hating me," Namjoon said with a chuckle, standing with a smile and brushing a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek as he went to tell her the news. He knocked softly on the open bedroom door before stepping in. "Little one?" He asked. He could hear quiet sniffling coming from beneath the covers and he crossed the room to sit on the bed next to her as she pulled them back from her face to look at him.

"Yes oppa," she said, polite as ever even as she wiped away her tears.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry I made you sad. But I spoke with the boys and we would like it if you would stay here with us."

She blinked at him. "But...the rabbit, he-"

"Alright, I would like it if you would stay here. Would you like that?"

Her face broke into a grin and she scrambled to her knees, throwing her arms around Namjoon's neck in excitement. "Yes oppa!" She squealed happily. Namjoon laughed and hugged her back until she pulled away, smiling up at him. It was the first time he had seen her smile and it was beautiful the way her big chocolate eyes lit up. He brushed her hair back from her face and then he stood quickly.

"Well - we need to go shopping, you need your own clothes and some other things - I'm going to go check on Jungkook and then we'll go, alright?" He asked and she nodded happily.

Namjoon knocked softly on Jungkook's door. He heard a sniffle and then an angry "Go away!" From the other side, but he just rolled his eyes and went in anyway.

"Jungkookie, listen," he started, but he was met with a muffled sob from beneath the blankets and he sighed deeply and sat on the bed next to this pile of blankets. "Kookie, come out and let me talk to you."


"Please bun?" He asked softly. Jungkook hesitated and then pulled the blanket down to his chin, peering his puffy eyes at the man.

"M'listening," he said, his lips pouting cutely.

"Just because little one stays here doesn't mean I love you any less, you know that right? She doesn't have anywhere else to go, and she needs us. She needs you, Kook." Jungkook was slowly listening more closely as Namjoon talked, pulling the blanket back farther and sitting up, his long ears slowly perking. "She doesn't know how to be a hybrid in a home, she doesn't know a lot about the world overall and she needs you to teach her. It will be a big job you think you can do it?" Namjoon asked the bunny, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Of course I can do it!" He said, sounding almost angry still, but nodding his head enthusiastically. Namjoon smiled and opened his arms and the bunny launched himself into them, nuzzling against his chest. "You promise hyung?"

"Promise what bud?"

"Promise you won't love me less?"

"Of course bun. Nothing will ever change how much I love you."

Jungkook smiled happily at the thought, squeezing his hyung tightly.

Jungkook smiled happily at the thought, squeezing his hyung tightly

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