Part 25

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The next day the fox tentatively asked if the girl would still help her dye her hair. She seemed excited to do so and they spent the morning making it a chestnut brown to match her roots and compliment her eyes.

"Well?" The girl asked, standing before Yoongi with her arm around the little fox. He smiled warmly and nodded from the couch.

"That looks right. Much more natural. And looks great with your ears, fox," he said kindly.

"Thank you!" She beamed. Yoongi left to pick up food for the three of them and the fox was loitering in the living room while the girl played piano. She looked over her shoulder and flashed the fox a smile, scooting over and patting the bench next to her. The fox shyly sat and began to receive a brief piano lesson.

"Thank you unnie, I-" she stopped, her words caught in her throat as she frowned. "Oh no..." the fox began to feel a warmth building in her veins. She had been embarrassed to tell Seokjin that the shots she got at the facility also made her go into heat much more often than a normal female hybrid should. She had hoped they would have worn off by now. She shook her head, ignoring it.

"What is it?" The girl asked, glancing over at her.

"Nothing I-I'm fine," she mumbled. The longer she sat there though, the hotter she felt, her skin beginning to tingle and her insides beginning to burn painfully, like a slow fire beginning. She suddenly stood from the piano, a sheen of sweat having broken out across her forehead. "I need to go-" she started to say to the girl, but just then the front door opened and Yoongi came in, crossing into the kitchen and setting a bag of food on the table.

"Hey guys, I-" he cut himself off, inhaling deeply then swallowing hard and closing his eyes. He clenched his jaw and gripped the edge of the table hard. "Little one," he said calmly and with difficulty, his voice having dropped to much lower than normal, a growl echoing beneath it. The girl at the piano frowned between them.

"Y-yes," the fox whimpered, her breathing becoming labored as the fire rushed through her veins, wanting to get out.

"Can you please go into your room," he said, clenching his teeth and trying to remain calm, his knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the table. She swallowed, her eyes flitting across the room to fall on him.

The dark cat stood in the kitchen, tight pants hugging the muscles in his thighs, his large hands holding tightly to the groaning wood of the table, his pale forearms flexing with the force of his grip. His black fur was silky and shiny and so was the black hair on his head, and his skin looked soft and bright - all signs of a healthy mate. The fox's body called to her to mate and she stared at him, her chest heaving with each labored breath.

"Um...Yoon, what's going on?" Asked the girl, standing uncertainly from the piano.

"Babe I need you to get her out of here. Please," he said, his voice breaking slightly on the last word.

The sound of his discomfort jolted the fox out of her pheromone induced daze and she blinked hard, gasping in embarrassment and covering her face. "Oh no, I - I'm so sorry," she said, glancing between the cat and the human. She choked out a sob and sprinted for the door, grabbing her shoes on her way out and slamming the door behind her as she tore off down the hallway.

"FUCK," Yoongi shouted, still standing in the kitchen, not releasing his hands from the table as he took deep breaths. "God, I need to call Namjoon right now - and can you open a fucking window please," he said, whimpering slightly.

"What's happening where did she go?" The girl asked, hurrying to shove the kitchen window open as he asked and grabbing his phone for him. She pulled up Namjoon's contact and passed the phone to him.

"She's gone and I can't chase after her and you can't chase after her either, and-" he was a saying as it rang. "Joon! Joon, I'm so sorry but there was nothing we could do she listen Namjoon-she's gone. She got her heat. I don't know why, but I got home and I couldn't be in the same room. No, of course not. I asked her to go to her room but she just ran out the door. I can't follow her, she's in her heat I said—you don't understand. Give the phone to Seokjin." Yoongi was pacing the kitchen, rubbing his face with one hand as he held the phone to his ear with the other. "Oh speaker, fine." He sighed deeply. "She's gone guys. Little one is gone."


Namjoon was hysterical. He was pacing the room, running his hands through his hair and muttering curses under his breath. Jungkook was sitting at the kitchen table crying.

"I thought you said she couldn't get her heat again this quickly," Namjoon said, looking at Seokjin who was standing against the counter, his arms crossed, a worried look on his face.

"She shouldn't have," he muttered. "I don't understand."

"Hyung...we have to find her," Jungkook hiccuped, his cheeks wet with tears.

"I agree, Jin we have to go look at least," Namjoon insisted.

"We can't go look for her, the inspectors will be here any minute. The two of you need to get it together. I want to find her too, I want to bring her back here safe and keep her with us, just like you. But we can't do that right now. We need to pretend everything is fine and we've never seen a fox before," he stepped forward, drawing himself up to his full height and glaring at both of them. "Got it?" He asked, authority lacing his voice.

"Yes hyung," Jungkook sniffled. "Can I go to my room?" He asked in a tiny voice.

"Of course bun. Come here," Jin sighed, opening his arms. Jungkook scurried into them and hugged him tightly, burrowing his face into Jin's shoulder. Seokjin kissed the top of his head and then patted him and Jungkook went up to his bedroom. "Wash your face please," Jin called.

"Yes hyung," Jungkook echoed.

Namjoon's hands were clenched into fists, his eyes shining. Seokjin approached him. "Joonie, I know. But we can't help her by exposing her right now. We need to get through this, and then we can go look for her as soon as they're gone, alright?" Namjoon squeezed his eyes shut and shuffled forward, dropping his head to his boyfriend's shoulder. Jin wrapped his arms around the man and squeezed him to his chest, kissing his temple. "I know," he murmured again, soothingly.

"I failed Jin," he whispered.

"Not yet babe. We'll get her back," Jin said.


You were running. The fire burned in your veins as your feet pounded the pavement, your head down, your bushy tail flying out behind you. You stopped, looking around desperately. You were lost. You had forgotten that you didn't know this part of town. You didn't know anything. You were breathing heavily, looking around in fright. A male hybrid with a collar around his neck began to sniff the air quickly, his gaze darting around until it fell on you, his eyes going glassy. His owner grabbed his wrist and dragged him behind him and he followed reluctantly, staring after you. This incident repeated itself with another hybrid male and then another and you were afraid of the men so you started running again.

You needed to get away from all these people. You saw the edge of the woods distantly and you made for it, sprinting as quickly as you could. You were hot and thirsty and the burning hurt so badly that you almost wanted a male to find you just to make it go away. You crashed into the trees, pausing to breathe when you made it, your heart racing. The woods felt safe. It was cooler here, shaded and quiet and you began to walk slowly just a bit deeper into the trees. When you were satisfied you sat against a tree and curled your knees to your chest, ready to wait out the fire, hoping you could find your way back to Yoongi's apartment when it passed. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back against the tree.

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