Part 11

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Namjoon knocked on little one's door the next morning to get her for breakfast - she was sleeping in a bit late and although it was the weekend he wanted to make sure she came downstairs before the food got cold. He heard a tiny voice tell him to come in so he opened the door slowly.

She was lying in the bed with the blankets kicked off, her face was flushed and her forehead was damp with sweat. Namjoon frowned and crossed the room toward her quickly, placing a hand on her cheek. "Little one, are you feeling okay? I think you have a fever," he mumbled. She didn't say anything, only whined slightly and pushed her face into his hand, curling onto her side. He withdrew his hand and she whined again at the loss, opening her eyes to look up at him pitifully. "How about you come downstairs and take some medicine and Seokjin will give you some soup and then you can take a bath and go back to bed, alright? Come on, I'll meet you down there," he said, heading for her door.

"Y-yes oppa," she murmured, slowly sitting up, her dry lips parted in discomfort as she stood on wobbly legs and followed him toward the kitchen.


Jungkook was sitting at the table finishing his breakfast when Namjoon came down and joined him. Jungkook's nose twitched when he caught a whiff of something odd rolling off the older man but he blinked it away. "Where's little one?" He asked.

"She's heading down - actually, Jinnie I think she has a fever, do we have any soup?" Namjoon asked, reaching for his coffee.

"Oh, yeah I have some leftover in here - and there's medicine in the bathroom cabinet," he said, digging into the fridge for the soup container.

Both men looked at Jungkook in surprise when they heard his fork clatter from his hand to his plate. His ears were sticking straight up, his mouth was hanging slightly open and he was staring wide eyed at the doorway into the kitchen from the stairs where the little fox had appeared.

Her cheeks were still pink and she was panting slightly, holding herself up against the doorframe weakly. Her hair stuck to her damp forehead and her ears were pressed back against her head, her tail hanging limply behind her. Jungkook's nose twitched as he stared at her, her scent invading his senses. His eyes were slowly taking on a more animalistic appearance, the pupils widening and a new expression spreading across his face as he slowly got to his feet, never breaking his stare at her.

The scent of her today was maddening. It was the best thing he had ever smelled. It was like it called to him, begged him to come closer, to touch her, to...mate her. And he couldn't resist the call. Some voice in the back of his mind was shouting at him to stop, to stay back, but he tuned that voice out, letting his instincts take over.

She swallowed and licked her dry lips, her half lidded eyes flitting across the room until she noticed his stare.

"G-good morning Jungkook," she said softly.

"Good morning little one," he purred in response, a slow smirk spreading across his face. Namjoon's head snapped up at the bunny's tone - he did not sound like the shy, soft spoken Jungkook they were used to. Seokjin also quickly turned around, glancing between the hybrids.

"Shit," the oldest had barely said before the room exploded.

Jungkook had attempted to launch himself over the table at the fox and Seokjin had barely made it in time to tug him back by the back of his shirt - Jungkook's leg banging into the table rattled the dishes and knocked his glass over and Namjoon stood quickly as the fox remained in the doorway, leaning against it weakly and gripping the wood with both hands. Jungkook struggled and nearly broke out of Seokjin's grasp before the older man put him in a headlock and tugged him against his broad chest.

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