Part 48

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Dinner that night was full of shy glances and pink cheeks between the fox and the bunny who sat across from each other at the table, eating quietly. Namjoon and Seokjin tried to keep their amused smiles off their own faces as they watched the two of them interacting.

"Do you want to read after dinner tonight little one?" Namjoon asked.

"Let's watch a movie instead," Seokjin said, looking meaningfully at him. Namjoon nodded.

"Sounds good. What do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Something scary," Seokjin replied, smirking. Namjoon tried to hide his grin.

"You got it babe."

They cleaned up after dinner and got comfortable on the couch, Namjoon and Seokjin sitting on either end and leaving room for the hybrids to sit next to each other. Seokjin wasn't sure why they were being so shy when he had just watched them making out in the rain through the window, but he supposed now that the passion was gone it was like two kids who had found out they had a crush on each other and didn't know what to do next. He shook his head. They were being so cute.

Little one sat down close to Namjoon and Jungkook gingerly sat in the open seat between her and Seokjin. Namjoon started the movie and the humans glanced at each other over the heads of the pair between them, smirking. The movie started to play and when it reached a part that made the little fox squeal and cover her eyes, Jungkook looked at her, his eyes wide and Namjoon leaned away from her slightly. He kept his eyes on the movie, waiting for the bunny to act.

Finally, Jungkook's ears cocked nervously, he slowly pulled his arm from between him and the fox and gingerly wrapped it around her shoulders.

"It's okay fox," he murmured to her quietly, carefully pulling her toward him. She kept her eyes covered, her body shaking slightly as she turned into his side to hide her face. Jungkook lightly rubbed her arm and looked up at Namjoon, his eyes wide. The older peeked at him and gave him a little wink, making Jungkook blush again, but tighten his arm around little one slightly.

They stayed like that until the movie ended, little one eventually turning to lay her head on Jungkook's shoulder and watch, his arm relaxing around her shoulders. Whenever the scene would get scary again he would tighten it slightly and she would press against his side nervously, her hand drifting to grip his knee. When the movie was finally over Jungkook withdrew his arm nervously and she drifted away from him.

Seokjin yawned and stretched. "Bedtime I think?" He said. "Jungkookie, did you warm up properly?" He asked, reaching up to touch the tips of the bunny's ears to check their temperature. "Do you need a hot bath?"

"Hyuung," he whined. "I'm fine!" He insisted, pulling away from him.

"How about you little one?" Namjoon asked, reaching out to ruffle her ears gently.

"I think a bath sounds nice," she said shyly.

"Want me to run it for you?" He asked her. She shook her head though.

"I can do it oppa!" She said, hopping off the couch and heading upstairs.

Jungkook felt awkward on the couch between his hyungs once she had left.

"Jungkook, come on," Seokjin groaned when they heard the water turn on, rolling his eyes at the bunny.

"What?" He asked, eyes wide, like he was afraid he was in trouble.

"You're so terrible at this," Namjoon chuckled. "How were you so bold outside but then you guys get in here and you turn into this shy little bunny."

Jungkook pouted, looking down at his lap. "I'm just nervous. I mean...she's so-" he said, cutting himself off as he searched for the words to say.

Namjoon chuckled and patted his leg. "You're right there. But she likes you. You guys are a couple. You're her boyfriend Jungkook. Don't be so nervous."

The bunny nodded, his ears flopping. Then he looked shyly up at Namjoon. "I'm also...kinda nervous cause I'm not used to you being okay with it," he said honestly.

Namjoon nodded. "I'm sorry about before Kook. But - I had to make sure you weren't just interested because she was pretty and new, you know? Now that's I know you really like her - I'm getting used to the idea."

"I just want to let you know that I'm the one you should be thanking bun," Seokjin said, rolling his eyes.

"Really?" Jungkook said, blinking up at him.

"Who do you think spent the last months convincing your girlfriend's oppa that this was okay?" He replied, raising an eyebrow to look at Namjoon.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," the other chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I'm going to bed. Night bun," he said, leaning down and pressing a kiss between Jungkook's ears. "Night babe," he said then to Seokjin, leaning down and kissing him firmly before giving him a little wink and walking away.

Jungkook watched him go, then turned to Jin.

"So hyung - what should I do? How did you get Namjoon hyung to stay with you?" He asked excitedly, his big eyes blinking at him.

Seokjin shrugged. "First of all, ask Namjoon how he got me to stay with him. Second of all - I think you should take little one on a proper date. You guys keep going to the bakery, which at your insistence is not a date - and you should have one."

Jungkook nodded. "So um. What do you do on a date?" He asked innocently.

Seokjin sighed. "Oh Kookie, I've really failed you, haven't I. Don't worry, hyung will give you lessons. You can start simple. Just dinner and a movie. Tomorrow."

"She has piano lessons with Yoongi hyung tomorrow," Jungkook said.

"Perfect, you can pick her up and walk to dinner from there."

"Okay hyung." There was shuffling upstairs. And Jin looked toward the stairs and back to Jungkook. "She's done with her bath - she's probably going to get ready and head to bed. You should go up and say goodnight," he told Jungkook, pushing the bunny off the couch.

"Okay! Okay," Jungkook said, standing on his own and frowning at his hyung. "I can do it!"

"Sure you can bun," Jin replied, rolling his eyes.

Jungkook slowly climbed the stairs, and just as he reached the top and turned down the hallway, little one was coming out of the bathroom, in pajamas now with her hair braided down her back.

"Jungkook," she breathed when she saw him, as if in surprise. There was a little smile lingering on her face tonight and Jungkook couldn't help blushing when he thought that it was because of him.

"Hi fox," he said. "I just came to say goodnight," he said, walking with her down the hallway to her room.

"O-okay. Well. Goodnight," she said then, standing outside of it shyly.

Jungkook smiled. Then he took a breath and bravely stepped closer before leaning in and brushing his lips against her cheekbone, feeling the skin instantly warm beneath his touch. He pulled back to see her staring at him with wide eyes and he blushed as well, looking away shyly.

"Goodnight," he whispered then, before walking down the hall and into his room. He closed the door behind him and leaned back against it. An enormous smile spread over his face and he reached his hand up to press it over his racing heart. He couldn't believe this day had really come. But he had told her that he loved her and she had said it back. Jungkook sighed and bounded over to his bed, collapsing back onto it and grinning up at the ceiling. He crossed his hands behind his head as he thought about kissing her, one leg bent at the knee and the other extended. He didn't think he would get any sleep tonight.

Down the hall, little one ducked into her room and softly closed the door behind herself. She stood against it and raised her hand to press her fingers to her warm cheek where Jungkook's lips had been moments ago. A smile slowly spread over her face until it was so big her cheeks hurt. Then she let out a tiny squeal and dashed across the room, launching herself onto her bed and curling up in a ball. She thought back to being with Jungkook in the rain, and she couldn't believe he had finally said it. She didnt' think she would get any sleep tonight.

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