Part 37

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Seokjin made sure the fox ate as much as she could that night and she fell asleep at the table after ice cream for dessert while the boys were telling stories about looking for her in the woods that day. Jungkook watched her head nodding and her eyes shutting with concern, looking at the older boys.

"She's only been awake for a few come she's still so sleepy?" He asked.

"She's been through a lot in the last few days Kook, her body needs time to recover," Seokjin said as he stood and began clearing the table. "Now help me with the dishes."

Jungkook grumbled a bit but did as he was told, collecting the bowls and taking them to the sink. Namjoon sighed happily and scooped the fox up, yet again carrying her off to bed. He tucked her in and looked at her fondly for a moment before leaving her alone to sleep.

That night Jungkook jerked awake, the sound of her heartbeat skyrocketing pulling him from sleep. He scrambled out of his bed and flew into her room to find her in the middle of a full fledged panic attack, tears streaming down her cheeks as she gasped for breath. Jungkook didn't hesitate before launching himself into the bed and pulling her onto his lap where he wrapped her in a tight hug, resting his hand on the back of her head and murmuring for her to breathe.

"Fox, calm down. You're home," he said. "Breathe, baby. Please breathe."

She let his soothing voice wash over her and her hands came up to grip his T-shirt tightly in her fists as she did as he said, taking deeper breaths, making herself calm down. Jungkook's strong arms held her body closely against his, his big hands spreading over her back and his chin tucked against her shoulder. When he felt her pulse returning to normal and her ragged breathing evening out he pulled back to look at her, brushing her hair out of her face gently.

"Did you have a bad dream? What happened?" He asked her quietly, his eyes looking worriedly between hers.

"I just...I woke up alone and I-" she said, her bottom lip trembling slightly. Jungkook silently wiped her cheeks with the pads of his fingers, looking down at her sweetly.

"I'm not leaving you alone fox. I'll sleep in here," he said. "Come on."

She laid down again then a bit shyly, curling up beneath the blankets. Jungkook considered and decided he would prefer to avoid the wrath of Namjoon should he come in before they woke, so he tucked the fox in and then curled up next to her on top of the covers.

She turned to face him and they looked at each other for a moment in the dark and silent room, a thin stream of moonlight shining through the window making Jungkook's big brown eyes sparkle.

"I missed you," he breathed, not looking away from her eyes.

"I missed you too," she admitted. Then she pulled an arm out of the blanket and slid her hand slowly across the covers to rest it on his. He smiled and threaded their fingers together, their hands linked between them as her eyes drifted closed happily.

Jungkook lay awake for a bit, wishing a little that he could hold her close to him, but mostly content to be near her again and know that she was safe.


The next day Jungkook woke with a shiver and was confused for a moment until he remembered why he was cold and not in his own bed. But the annoyance at his icy cold ears went away when he felt little one's soft hand resting in his, her face relaxed in sleep, lips slightly parted and eyes closed, her dark lashes resting on her cheek. He couldn't help thinking back to when he had kissed her last at the facility. It was a bit of a haze considering the way her heat had affected him and driven him to do it in the first place...but he remembered the way her soft lips had felt against his and he craved it again.

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