Part 15

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Namjoon had to work the next day but Seokjin did not so the hybrids stayed home, having a lazy day. Little one helped Jin in the kitchen a little and after cleaning up from breakfast she boredly followed Jungkook into his room. She hesitated in the doorway though, not knowing if he would mind her walking in.

"It's okay fox, you can come in," he said, flopping down onto his beanbag chair and picking up his controller to play games. She shuffled into the room. There was a second beanbag chair and she toed at it before cautiously sitting down, giggling a little as she patted the sides of it. She glanced over at him.

"Jungkook?" She said suddenly. He glanced at her distractedly. "C-can I touch your ears?" She asked. He nodded, leaning his head toward her a little, his eyes on the screen. He shivered as she reached up and slowly traced her finger along one of his long ears, smiling to herself at the feeling of the velvet softness of the fur on the thin skin there.

She continued to trail her finger up and down the long ear and suddenly Jungkook shivered violently as a chill ran through him and he shook his head. She pulled her hand back, blinking in surprise.

"I-I'm sorry!" She said quickly as he looked over at her.

"It's fine fox, just tickles a little." He smiled. "My ears are soft, yeah?" He said, reaching up to scratch one of them himself with a little smile. She nodded.

"I love bunny ears," she confessed, smiling at him. "There was a bunny at the facility."

He looked over at her in interest.

"A bunny? What other animals were there?"

She considered.

"I remember the bunny...cause he let me touch his ears when I was sad once. And there was a mouse, he was kind of nice...and I think there was a - a bear," she said, shivering, her eyes going funny, like they were empty as she remembered. "And-"

"Fox," he interrupted, reaching over and squeezing her arm. She blinked hard, focusing on him. "It's fine, I don't need to know. Don't think about that place," he said, offering her a sad smile. She nodded.

"Thank you Jungkook," she said softly. He picked his controller back up and returned to the game, throwing her worried glances every now and then. She was frowning and he afraid she was still thinking about the facility.

"Hey, watch," he said, pointing to the screen. She blinked at him and obeyed, watching the character on the screen as Jungkook controlled it.

A few hours later she sighed, tugging her knees toward her chest.

"I miss oppa," she said softly. Jungkook's ear twitched as he heard a car door shut.

"You're in luck fox, I think he's home," he said, smiling as she shot up, looking quickly out the window.

"Oppa!" She squealed, making Jungkook chuckle and shake his head, not looking away from his screen as she headed downstairs to greet Namjoon.

Namjoon walked into the kitchen to see Seokjin standing at the stove. The man looked up as he entered and smiled at him.

"Hey baby," Namjoon said with a smile, crossing the room and taking Jin into his arms. He nuzzled his nose into the older man's neck, making Jin giggle a little and slip his arms around him in return. "I missed you," Namjoon said softly before leaning in and softly pressing his lips to the older's. Seokjin sighed against his kiss and returned it, pressing his lips against his boyfriends' with a small smile.

The fox hurried downstairs - she couldn't wait to see Namjoon oppa, she had missed him all day. She rushed into the kitchen and froze, blinking in confusion at the sight before her. Namjoon and Seokjin were kissing. She had never seen them kissing before. Her little heart felt like it broke. Her oppa - he didn't love her. She felt tears rush to her eyes and she squeaked, turning quickly and darting back out of the kitchen. She rushed back up the stairs and into Jungkook's room. He looked up at her and then stood quickly when he saw tears shining on her cheeks.

Bunny Baby : jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now