Part 9

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She walked into the unfamiliar house nervously, gripping Jungkook's hand tightly as she took in all the new sights and smells, not to mention the occasional whines coming from Taehyung and his tail whipping through the air, hitting the wall as he wagged it.

"She smells funny," Taehyung said to Hoseok but the man opened his eyes wide and shook his head meaningfully at the dog. Taehyung took the hint and shut his mouth, frowning.

Jungkook led her into the living room and sat her on the couch, situating himself next to her in the middle with room on his other side for Tae. The dog sat next to his friend and grabbed the remote, turning on some cartoons. Jungkook tried to let go of the little fox's hand, but she clung to his fingers almost subconsciously, still looking around the room. Jungkook could feel her pulse starting to get a little too fast beneath his hand and her breathing getting heavy and he turned toward her, grabbing her other hand in his to make her face him as well.

"Hey, deep breaths little fox. It's okay, there's nothing scary here," he murmured softly. "You wanna breath together?" He asked and she nodded, having trouble catching a breath. He nodded too and sucked in a deep breath loudly, holding it for a second, and then exhaling exaggeratedly, just like he had when she had the first panic attack the night she came to them. She tried to mimic his breaths, her pulse slowing as her breathing returned to normal and she relaxed. She finally breathed out and let go of his hands, bowing her head in embarrassment.

"Th-thank you Jungkook," she said softly as he nodded and turned back toward the tv, leaning back into the cushions and crossing one leg over the other, stretching his arms out over the back of the couch. Taehyung blinked curiously and shot a glance at Hoseok who just shrugged and turned away. The fox had calmed down and now she curiously leaned forward a little, peering around Jungkook to see Taehyung better, the dog hybrid furtively shooting glances at her as well.

"Hi!" He suddenly said rather loudly, leaning forward and toward her over Jungkook's lap. She flinched back in surprise but he stayed in place, his tail thumping loudly agains the couch as he tilted his head curiously at her. Jungkook smiled in amusement at the surprised expression on her face.

"It's okay little one, he won't hurt you. Wanna touch his ears? They're soft," the bunny said, bringing his own fingers up to scratch one of Taehyung's floppy ears. The dog closed his eyes, humming happily at the feeling and she slowly reached her hand foreword, running her fingers over his fur. She smiled a little, touching his ear again before retracting her hand and tucking it into her lap.

"H-hi Taehyung," she said softly making him grin widely and lean back into his seat. She curled her feet up under her and the three hybrids turned their attention to the television, watching the cartoon with interest. After a while Hoseok came into the room to collect them to head to the bakery for breakfast.


They walked toward the bakery all together down the sidewalk, the fox slipping her hand automatically into Jungkook's, her eyes taking in every sight as usual. When they reached the bakery and walked into the flurry of movement she pressed herself closer to the bunny, her fingers tightening around his. Jungkook glanced at her and adjusted his grip on her hand, wrapping his large one around her little fingers and giving her an encouraging squeeze.

"We're gonna go get a table hyung," Jungkook said to Hoseok as he gave a little wave to the black eared cat working behind the counter and led the fox toward a table in the corner. He situated her chair so she could see the whole room with her back into the corner, knowing it would make her feel more secure. She was slowly letting her wide eyes take in the entire room - all the hybrids and owners moving around, eating and talking, the sounds and the smells making her ears and nose twitch cutely. Jungkook found himself ignoring the rest of the room and focusing only on her face as she experienced it all for the first time.

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