Part 47

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"Well?" Namjoon said, urgently, gesturing at the door. "Go after her Jungkook, what are you waiting for?"

"Hyung - I can't do this, I need her," Jungkook said, not sure he could go after the fox and not touch her. He needed to show her how he felt about her.

"Jungkook, just go. Go get your girl," Namjoon told him, standing and nodding at the bunny.

Jungkook blinked and stared at his hyung for a breath before darting for the door. "Thank you Namjoon!" He called as he dashed out the door.

The rain was pouring and it was getting dark and Jungkook was suddenly very scared, remembering the last time the fox had run out on her own. He raised his hands to his mouth, cupping them to shout.

"Little one!" He yelled, jumping off the porch and into the rain, looking around desperately. The air was damp, but he could still pick up a trace of her smell and he followed it around the side of the house. He found her behind it, staring angrily in the direction of the woods, her dark hair plastered to her head as rain ran in rivulets over her skin, soaking the orange fur of her ears and tail as well and dripping off her into puddles on the ground. Jungkook shook his wet hair out of her eyes, his long ears pressed back to keep the insides dry as he stormed toward her. "Fox, what are you thinking running out into the rain!" he spoke loudly over the sound of the water pounding against everything.

"Leave me alone," she spat.

"No," he replied, walking purposely for her.

"I'm tired of these games Jungkook. I don't want to have to wonder how you feel about me."

"I don't want that either," Jungkook said, his voice lower now as he had nearly reached her. He was soaked to the bone and cold, the water was running down his face, his eyelashes caught drops and when he licked his lips they were wet, rain dripping down his sensitive ears and sending shivers up his spine. But he needed her. "So let me show you," he said, reaching for her.

"Jungkook-" she began, her eyes glued to him as he put one hand on her waist and one on her neck and tugged her to him. As soon as her body crashed into his, he tilted his head down and his lips found hers. She deflated when they touched, all the anger rushing out of her beneath his kiss as Jungkook pushed his mouth against hers, desperate to prove to her how he felt to his last breath. His lips moved against hers with need and her hands slid up his chest to grip his shoulders for support as she tilted her head back to reach him better.

The fox melted into his kiss. Jungkook was soaked through with rain water, his lips were wet against hers but he tasted the same as he always had, sweet and warm and perfect. His full bottom lip kept catching between both of hers as he moved his mouth and she wanted to bite it, but she just passed over it with her tongue instead, making him groan and open his mouth for her. Their tongues met then, and her arms slid around his neck, pulling him even closer, his large hand resting on the small of her back and tugging her hips against his as their chests pressed together until there was no room between them at all. She slid her fingers into the shaggy brown hair at the back of his head, twining the wet locks in her hand as she pushed her tongue against his and he swallowed the moan that escaped her, answering it with one of his own.

And everything was wet and the ran pelted their backs and shoulders, it soaked their hair and ran over their skin, as their bodies stayed glued to each other and they kissed on and on. Ignoring the chill of the cold that the rain brought, ignoring the thunder rumbling in the distance, ignoring the dimming light as the sun set around them. And after what felt like forever but was probably only a few moments Jungkook pulled back, releasing her from the kiss but not from his arms as he looked down at her.

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